Showing posts with label Ecosystem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecosystem. Show all posts
May 25, 2014
Aug 30, 2013
Let me show you the true artist in you!
No art is as inclusive as fine arts or call it whatever.
It seems every single person is born with artistic talent specifically more pronounce and visible in the field of fine arts, abstract art or call it whatever, an artist even in you, whether you consider yourself an artist or not that is irrelevant, proof is your childhood notebook filled with weird characters drawn by you and spoiled pages of your dad's diary and all the tattoo that you made on your hand, graffiti on your school desk and crayon spoiled walls of your house where you spent your childhood days and that creative surge when you were staring at the damp basement or loo walls trying to infer some meaning out of those grunge damp patterns, or even today if you occasionally tend to draw a smiley face on moist, dew clad surface and so on. Every adult was an artist in his or her childhood so they are today, so are you.
Every child with his or her genuine creativity, making and living their own dreams in their sketchbook or on wall, vivid and real in their own imagination, a spell-bounding piece of rawness with bit of influence from surrounding, and we are not talking about all the art and craft assignments forced by educational curriculum and competition, those are plastic, manipulated, and imposed, threatening and robbing the very creative rawness of child. We are not talking about biased aesthetic judgement here. We are talking here for example the child's own interpretation of how round a sun should be or how round his dexterity allows him to draw it, not the Vinchi style geometric perfectness of circle which we tend to impose on them. Since art being essentially a true expression of self does not necessarily demands shape of circle to be a perfect circle so it really doesn't matter how well you used to draw a circle to qualify as an artist in your childhood, and since art is beyond the clutch of time so if you draw the similar weird circle today when you are grown up it is still an art and so you are an artist. Another reason is that if making a perfect circle is a qualification criteria for an artist than our computer or tab can do that job better than our master artist.
So acknowledging the truth of your own childhood talent now you can appreciate the works of kids around better. Not judging them on their perfectness but admiring them for their innocence. You see these kids will grow up one day and change the very definition of understanding of what an art should be. After all its art if you can prove it.
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You might also like to read this post on "design diplomacy"
May 12, 2013
If "Law of Physics" is working in your piece of Art or Architecture...
..then you know you are going in the right direction!
From Wonderful Classical Art to Good Design to Amazing Architecture, one thing is common that is "Law of Physics" which is and should be ever-present there to make it a success. If Gravity is acting on you, it can and should act on your Piece of Art or Architecture as well. Though Gravity is just a simple example here to explain the impact of Physics on Art or Architecture.
A page from the old Notebook
Art without true reflection of natural physical laws is like making a portrait of someone sitting in front of you and assuming that there is no force of gravity acting on your subject of art or may be your subject is floating in the air or something. Remember the good old classical art works from master artists, with beautiful bulky art subjects of individual or group portraits?
There is another way to look at it as well, that is; you can also make a successful art or architecture by beating the gravity or natural laws itself, like an architectural work having an appearance of floating in the air. No matter what, a good design revolves around the law of physics whether going with it or challenging the Natural Laws, Laws of Physics!
There is another way to look at it as well, that is; you can also make a successful art or architecture by beating the gravity or natural laws itself, like an architectural work having an appearance of floating in the air. No matter what, a good design revolves around the law of physics whether going with it or challenging the Natural Laws, Laws of Physics!
Dec 24, 2012
Post-calamity socio-physical reconstruction: Untapped potential of urban planning!
high time they should care for heritage values of shattered settlements.
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Contemporary planning response : A wake-up call!! |
Any Natural calamity, An Earthquake, A Tsunami, A
Flood or A Hurricane strangles the life of community and leaves a physical and
emotional mark behind! Damage which is irreversible, but still people gather
their spirit and strength and try to reconstruct that which has been shattered,
their home, their neighborhood, their community, their village, their city, sometimes
on their own sometimes hand in hand with community, with the support of
government and with the aid and good wishes from around the world. It’s a
collective effort of those who care to rebuild, those who feel responsibility
to reconstruct, everyone contributes their bit!
A relevant question to ask here is that what an urban planner, an architect, an urban designer, a conservationist or a policy
maker can do to restore the faith, hope and dignity of that community, How they
can better contribute in the socio-physical reconstruction after an unforeseen natural
calamity which physically shatters the settlement, a settlement which might
have evolved in course of centuries whether it’s a village or a small town or a
metropolitan city. Of course such situations demand a quick immediate response,
a fast solution, a resettlement plan, a re-construction effort, a physical
master plan to absorb and protect the affected population as quickly as possible;
an infrastructure fast and techno-economically optimized enough to be viable. But
in this race of providing the immediate comfort and amenities to the affected
population we usually tend to forget or sometimes purposefully ignore the very
basic need of community, the settlement itself, the fabric of settlement with
which community has intimately remained attached throughout its life, probably
they have grown together help shaping each other and hence the highly emotional
bonding of community and settlement cannot be ignored neither its legacy of
heritage value and learning.
In a neighborhood or community affected or
devastated by natural calamity, an individual is not just bothered about his or
her own loss, their own damaged house, but they are subconsciously also moved
by the loss of others in the community and their very own settlement and
neighborhood which has been shattered heavily. Their memories of growing in
that neighborhood, those winding streets, their facades and architecture, their
community spaces, those lingering familiarities and so on. We can try to reconstruct
the original face of settlement if the damage is low and concealable, but
sometimes they feel it’s better to reconstruct the settlement in adjacent open
lands if the physical damage is much, this phenomenon is more noticeable and
even more a point of concern in the rural or small urban communities. Usually physical
planning response form the government and planners after a natural calamity in
most of the cases is generally a super-optimized techno-economic solution, an efficient
physical infrastructure, fast paced architecture, but surprisingly lacking in
emotional response and nativeness in terms of architecture, lacking in regional
impression and heritage values of planning, alienated from urban/ rural design principles
and practices of the region, a shear absence of conservationist inputs and
above all lack of human touch. Outcome seems an efficient but emotionless physical
planning response which can and are being radially justified in the name of
constrained resources and urgency of demanded action. Image above speaks for
Though a much needed temporary relief, imagine the
emotional and functional pain this new mechanical re-settlement master plan causes
to the inhabitants in longer course of time through its totally alienated new
physical planning environment, fabric and architecture, by continually
reminding them of the disaster which occurred in past, due to its ever-present imposed
unfamiliar environment. Imaging the continual struggle to adapt to this new
imposed “efficient but rigid” neighborhood plan which has no relation
whatsoever to the original form and architecture of the village or town which
was devastated in earthquake or else and the loaded feeling of never to return
to a spatial experience in their lifetime which even vaguely resembles to their
original neighborhood or to a locality with its regional character! Imaging the
loss to the future generation who is going to grow up in these reconstructed integrated prefab concrete township or villages with identical kind of off the shelf household
unit next to the fading ruins of their devastated ancestral village and who
will never know how it is like to live in the vibrant settlements were their
parents, their grandparents and their ancestors used to live!
It’s high time that the legacy of heritage planning
values, unique and integral to specific regions need to be acknowledged and
incorporated in the post disaster reconstruction efforts specially in physical
planning of the settlement which will have a long term beneficial effect. Even
the communities in crying need of immediate physical reconstruction support, in
a post-natural-disaster environment, need a physical planning solution with a “human touch”!
Best Author,
Public Space,
Urban Design,
Location: Netherlands
Sep 28, 2012
The only sustainable retrofit whether it’s a product or city environment
To leave scope for
future retrofits in the moment you conceive the idea of product or vision of a
you realize after 5 or 20 or 30 years that this product or system or
infrastructure which you had planned back then with the most sophisticated
tools and technology available at that time, with the best brains at disposal
and the best hands available, that robust system of past desperately needs a
technology overhaul and efficiency retrofit today, just to validate its
contemporary relevance and to drag itself for few more miles in the tomorrow,
but it would have been quite difficult for you to confront and accept this
apparently unpleasant fact that this product, infrastructure, system or even
strategy which you claim to be the most advanced and avant-garde today is very
soon going to be outdated, very soon indeed!! Acknowledge it or not, that’s how
it works, especially when technology, planning and policy is concerned only
thing which remains eternal is aesthetics and nostalgia associated with such technology,
possibly that’s why many people still prefer analog watch over digital one,
that’s totally a personal choice.
is not only an integral law of nature but equally a law of technology,
inevitable like growth of humanity, because humanity is curious and that’s why
innovation and hence need to replace and retrofit old technology. Problem with
the contemporary approach of planning and product design is that we tend to
conceive and create a system or product which is 100% complete in its form and
design “today” leaving no scope for future integration except few exceptions,
even knowing that need for retrofit is waiting only at the next turn of system
or product life-cycle You see those
overly stuffed embedded products, jam packed conduits, circuits and channels,
overcrowded service corridors, saturated underground utility trench,
suffocating right of ways (ROW), chaotic narrow streets, thousands of
unventilated unlit city rooms and residences, all of this have two things in
common, one, is the shear lack of vision and second, ignorance to change.
Change which is inevitable, but we are happy and content with what we have
planned today, who cares for tomorrow? Meanwhile, you enjoy all the attention
and praise because of your new product and system. They might even have bagged
few awards for best innovation and work in the field, but it all doesn't really
matter if that product or vision fails in next couple of years. The single
largest criteria of product or planning judgment and evaluation has to be
sustainability, which means your product or system or vision have to have an
inbuilt scope for absorption of future technology and efficiency integration
for sustainability, to keep up with future pace of life and lifestyle.
talk something about "sustainability" here. The word
"sustainability" has been exploited much in recent years increasingly assuming a very narrow meaning
just revolving around "anything green". Lets keep in mind that being
or doing green is just a piece of sustainability. Sustainability is much more,
it is vastly inclusive a phenomenon, it is about the whole life cycle of
product or system or plan. if you make a greenest product on earth which has a
life span or tech-viability span or people-acceptance span of one or two year
that is not sustainable when compared to a product which is though not so green
in its DNA but which has a larger life span or acceptance span of may be half a
decade or so or more. All the resources
which has gone into making of that short lived green product goes to
vain at the end of its functional or acceptance span but the similar
resources which has been consumed in making
that not so green product with a much longer life span seems more sustainable
an option. Using 5 most
"greenest" products of same use one after another in just five years
is much less sustainable than using 1 single "not so green" product
for 5 years.
today you realize that environmental laws have become more stringent, people
have become more educated, aware and choosy
technology has become more and more complex and sophisticated, every
coming tomorrow product or system of yesterday is becoming obsolete, what to
do. We can’t really plan for something which has not been invented yet, but we
can always try to leave some scope for future integration, for the time when it
is invented. It might add to few percent of capital or man hour but it’s worth
giving a thought. Acknowledging the need for future retrofit and leaving some
scope for it today will make our life easy tomorrow, products more relevant and
cities more sustainable.
Social Media,
Trabnsport Planning,
Transport Planning;,
Urban Design,
Urban Mobility,
Location: Netherlands
Sep 21, 2012
Sep 8, 2012
Aug 30, 2012
Sometimes you appreciate unintentional grunge architectural experience!
Even architects refrain to talk about the darker intuitive side of architectural experience.
Looking through a dirt clad window glass pan on a rainy day at your half a century old sparingly used ancestral house, mysteriously thrilling fog and street light setting as viewed from the window of a motel room in no man’s land where you stayed last weekend on your way back home from a road trip, flickering interplay of light and shadows projected on the walls and roof of your bedroom by the light of traffic passing by on the adjacent street, bizarre abstract patterns on the under maintained damp bathroom or subway walls, grunge white noise of much awaited rain pouring on the garage tin shed, looking at the engulfing silence of valley from the balcony of a remote hill resort experiencing the shear lack of artificial urban sound of which you are used to or an experience of strange inquisitive damp smell while you are getting down the basement stairs in a dimly lit surrounding, you at times experience unspoken, unperceived, un-designed and unintentional side of architecture further accentuated by the time of year and day, your mood and company or absence of other people at that particular time.
At times you feel so tiered of popular architecture, popular formula of architecture, formula of what should be and what not and all the glorification and stubbornness around what is popular, those are kind of beautiful, but they are every were, architectural orders, theories so much overvalued so abundantly repeated, interiors so much commercialized so much in order, so much restricted, so much formalized, you are left with no choice but to live in an environment which appeal to neighbors, your housing society and society at large, even You don’t know what you really want to experience. Spoon-fed architectural experience of what is good and what is bad being taught to architects as well as future prospective clients in the school. They are taught to create wonderful architecture but no one encourages them to create wonderful personalized architectural experience no matter even if its eccentric on conventional benchmark, experience of space which you can’t really create with the popular architectural tools, styles, mass education, thumb-rules available and being used widespread today. For example if you have already decided that a particular room, should have a particular lux level of lighting, particular illumination level, uniformly distributed across the room with slight variation here and there as prescribed in the architectural bible or bylaws or general practice or as limited by the market availability and client’s choice of fixture, you can’t create an architectural experience which is thrilling, mysterious, inquisitive and even hauntingly sticky at times even for a moment, which are human psychological needs and part of their personality to experience such environment, at least just for sake of fun. No wonder at times you cherish that moment of darkness in the rainy damp evening or moonlit night when suddenly there is power cut for a brief period, because you have just experienced the dimly lit darker side of architecture which was never intended for you to experience in its original form, but only you know that how much it means to you to experience that very silence of spatial darkness, that mysterious view of dusk from the dark corner of your room, that stillness of ambiance and lack of bright LED light, that passionate experience in the beautiful and diluting sphere of space and light created by that single candle lit on the dining table, that momentarily grey sheds of otherwise bright and warm colors of interior walls. We are talking about darker side of architectural experience which induces a momentarily feeling of introspection to the occupant through its very silence, stillness darkness and grunginess, many writers, directors, photographers, architects, and artists will be able to relate to such experience. Grunge architectural experience which in thought provoking and inspires you at times and which is innate human psychological need somewhere buried in the subconscious under the monumental load of popular architectural experience!
By: Anoop Jha
Jul 6, 2012
So that you never run out of development ideas again!
Wonderful list of vision script for urban development,
Have created a list of possible vision statements in snippet form for your quick reference, just to keep your creative thinking wheel running.
Reshaping city, Re-harmonizing urban clusters, Recasting city silhouette, Re-energizing spirit of city, Re-establishing magnificence of old city, Revisiting the glorious past, Re-engaging population, Re-engineering city infrastructure, Reconnect to past, Rethinking city, Repositioning city, Recreating history, Reinventing urban mobility, Reorganizing urban growth, Rebuilding city aspirations, Reintroducing urban techniques, Redeveloping business hubs of city, Rerouting transit veins of city, Re-knitting city fabric, Reuniting city fragments for better functioning, Urban rezoning for optimization, Reintegrating smart urban technology, Redesigning mobility grid, Re-envisioning historic city, Re-proposing mobility, Reimagining urban future, Redefining boundaries of urban innovation, Repurpose city finance, Reorienting city growth direction, Rebuilding city governance structure, Re-linking destinations, Rearranging development priorities, Realigning development objectives, Reprioritizing urban development avenues, Restructuring functional hierarchy of city, Re-exciting life in urban public spaces
Jun 26, 2012
Mar 26, 2012
What with urban farming? Can we make it happen?
Urban farming, a real good concept, something which might save the humanity from starvation. How far we are from autonomous urban system, system which generates enough food for itself, food affordable enough to reach the lowest economic strata of urban system, food pallet diverse enough to suite the heterogeneous appetite of cosmopolitan city. Why it is that we started doing agriculture thousands of years ago, but basic principal of agricultural has remained same apart from high-tech agricultural machines, tools, pesticides, genetically modified crops etc., why it seems stagnated, while in the course of evolution world population is shifting more and more towards urban centers but the source of food which was in the rural areas have remained there itself, of course it triggers economic growth, employment etc. through to and fro movement of processed and unprocessed food between urban and rural areas, which perfectly makes sense, but have we done it purposefully, or is it that we couldn’t devise a full blown method to get our food produced in the city itself, apart from small experimental efforts of terrace farming etc. dotted here and there on the city map. Of course, city chooses its own priority activities in its core while pushing and spreading less important activities towards periphery and surrounding rural regions. Is it that we are treating urban farming as a luxury lifestyle item like terrace farming which can be shown to our guests with pride, is it that urban farming has just become a formula to get noticed in the race of green architecture, or a green USP to convince the client and sell the project to a wealthy end user, is it just a tool to prove that you are environmentally enlightened or has it really a potential to feed the city.
Can we make urban farming a concept easy enough to be grasped by an average city dweller since gardening and farming involves skills and knowledge which is not taught in school, a process easy enough to be implemented in the every balcony and every terrace of the city, can government provide training and motivation to its citizen with supportive policies to make widespread urban farming a reality.

Can we expect array of fruit trees along the city streets in the near future, can we expect orchard and vegetable farming in the public parks and abandoned land parcels as a sustainable urban landscape effort. Can we expect urban farming in majority of houses, apartment and premises of any city, implemented through training, stringent bylaws, tax saving policies, subsidies and persistent efforts. Can we give our child an opportunity to witness agricultural life cycle in their own private premises to better understand the process of life.
Can we expect array of fruit trees along the city streets in the near future, can we expect orchard and vegetable farming in the public parks and abandoned land parcels as a sustainable urban landscape effort. Can we expect urban farming in majority of houses, apartment and premises of any city, implemented through training, stringent bylaws, tax saving policies, subsidies and persistent efforts. Can we give our child an opportunity to witness agricultural life cycle in their own private premises to better understand the process of life.
Have we ever thought that urban farming might not be a luxury to showcase but an inevitable necessity for every city, which we are delaying and prolonging somehow?
Mar 19, 2012
Where have we reached in evolution of Interior Design?
Analogy of Sculpture and Interior Design
Evolutionary comparison of sculpture and interior design can throw some light on the state of interior design in which it is at present and may pave the future direction for it. If you analyze the evolution of Sculpture, it has evolved from a “symbolic gesture of kingdom and state authority” historically to the “liberalized expression of rebellious creative individuals” in past century to an “interactive public art” at present. When it comes to interior design it has evolved from “utilitarian design driven by necessity” to “lifestyle symbol with expression of wealth” to “uniqueness with technological integration”. The crucial missing point in the evolution of interior design is that it has still to reach a point where a user can interact and relate to it rather than simply appreciating its beauty and ambiance while waiting on a comfortable couch in a lobby or from a workstation of an office.

While the focus of sculpture, individually or as part of landscape architecture or in public domain has shifted from a decorative element to an interactive and engaging public element, the efforts of interior design has remained focused mostly in the aesthetic domain with attention to space efficiency, economic execution and operation even at present. Since all the efforts are concentrated on the aesthetics, ambiance and efficiency part of interior design, majority of architects and designers are caught in to the vicious cycle of making it more and more efficient. It’s high time that architects and designers should break this cycle and create an indoor environment which is not only appreciated by the users but where division of user and space gets blurred, a space where occupant is constantly interacting with its ambient indoor environment in tangible manner, where user have been kept engaged not only by its aesthetics but in terms of physical and mental activities, an informative, interactive indoor ambiance like the case of modern public sculptures.
By Anoop Jha
Feb 23, 2012
Blue Infrastructure strategies for Green Infrastructure
Water and related infrastructure collectively plays a vital role in wellbeing of city. Urban quality of a city can be accessed on the attention given to its water resources by the city planners and authority which includes conservation measures, utilization strategies and quality of water resources. Quality of Water is the scale on which urban health can be measured. Water has its whole spectrum of influence from drinking water to sanitation to micro climate to green cover and varies in scale and operation from pond to river to sea and flood. Conserving and creating and managing blue infrastructure of city is the way towards greener infrastructure and sustainable future
Feb 22, 2012
Why we can't & shouldn't get rid of open spaces of city.
Holistic environmental economic view
Open and Green Spaces have been integral part of the fabric of city historically and served as a democratic interaction place for citizens in the sea of individual private territories of a city. Though green landscape philosophy and clean ambient environment techniques have evolved and spread widely in course of time from open public realm to building interior, to terrace garden, to artificial air purifiers etc. but the material or psychological need of public open spaces in the city can not be replaced by any other present technology or method. So its not only the need of green spaces but the need of pubic space which validates the existence of such open and green spaces throughout the city and this need cannot always be evaluated on monetary terms. Government and municipal bodies need to find out new innovative fiscal strategies to raise funds to operate and maintain such spaces rather than getting rid of green space for immediate economical benefit.
Jan 17, 2012
Walkability demands flexibility : new approach to neighborhood planning
By - Anoop Jha
Number of available choices defines quality of urban environment and experience
Walking and jogging trail |
Image shows actual walking trail around a lagoon in some part of Santa Barbara, with different route options for people to choose from, one shorter complete loop around waterbody and other longer route which also includes dotted segment. Close view of lagoon is an incentive to walk extra length of dotted route otherwise people can take shorter route if they are in hurry or tiered. There has be different available exit choices for people, to make any pedestrian or walkable plan successful whether its planning of park or commercial complex or mega exhibition pavilion.
[Handpicked Books]

[Handpicked Books]
Dec 22, 2011
Terrace Garden on Every Roof !!
Did they say their city is green? Don’t believe them unless you see that green yourself. Seeing is believing! Common man does not understand the intricacy of complex statistics that is produced to position a city as a “Green City”.
Lay men do not understand the matrix, criteria and assumptions that goes into judging a city on environmental benchmark. They don’t know and even don’t care how much eco friendly materials has been used in construction of their skyscraper office building, they also don’t care whether hot water supply in their luxurious bathroom of a high star grade hotel is from solar water heater or conventional power heater, star rating of their home appliances have only become a thing to be shown off. Green criteria of common urban dwellers are very simple in nature, if they been able to breathe fresh air, if they see lush green surrounding their home and their streets, from the window of their workplace, if their children can run and play in sprawling green fields, if their children know what it is called an ecosystem from their own living experience in city not learned from the text books, if they look above in the sky and see glittering bright stars on a clear night and if they look down below into a satellite imagery and see City as Green patch of land then they should definitely approve that city is green.
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Series of Terrace Garden in a City |
How about climbing few steps in your own villa or taking a lift from your own apartment floor which leads to terrace where you would have found a lush green terrace garden where you would have done your daily meditation or Yoga and exercise while breathing in fresh air, spending quality time with family, only if they would have planned it properly as an approachable and inviting terrace garden, which is currently either not used at all or used as storage of discarded household stuffs in the midst of complexity of installed utilities and storage. So why not make terrace garden on every roof of the city. If governments across the cities shall make it either mandatory to have a terrace garden in every building with certain assistance or if incentivize this feature for being integrated in the architecture of building, that would be a great leap forward towards sustainable and greener urban future.
Dec 20, 2011
Creating Ecological Infrastructure for a city
Urban green with radiating river canal as a sustainable urban planning model
River provides ample opportunities of growth but it appears that majority of cities have not taken advantage of this dormant potential, most of the cities throughout the world have not even been able to handle the issues related to river like recurring floods, water pollution etc. forget about the utilization of river potential for the benefit of city. Thriving lush green riverfront has become a luxury which very few cities have been able to afford till now while rest of the world seems either totally engrossed in solving other urban problems and internal issues or they are content doing beautification of Neighborhood Parks. Greener Neighborhood Park is a good idea in short term but not a sustainable environmental solution for city in long term.
Cities can trade in carbon credit but unfortunately cannot trade in quality of environment of a city. What they need to do is to create a tangible ecological infrastructure for a sustainable urban environment. For a river city it is very crucial to understand the need of exploiting the possible opportunities as well as tackling the grave problems of recurring flood and river water pollution. River system with all its tributaries is like arteries of a leaf which carries all the minerals and nutritious content mixed in water from root to leaf tip. Cities with its built mass present an obstruction in the natural direction of flow of river. Cities can be built to facilitate the natural flow of river and should be planned to dissipate the extra water from the city fabric causing flood, as quickly as possible.
A model of sustainable ecological plan for a city can be like a leaf with its arteries’ alignment opposite the river flow, Green streak emerging from river bank, nurtured by river water itself which is carried through the narrow canals in the middle of radiating greens from the lush river bank. Radiating canals into the city fabric will not only help reduce the impact of flood by providing extra water holding capacity in times of flood hence giving extra time and cushion to tackle flood problem, but it will also provide space to create lust green natural and recreational zones all along the urban canal, giving breathing space up to the unreached recesses of cities where it is most required. Aligning radiating canals in somewhat differing direction of river flow will help reduce the possibility of city flooding due to these canals to reinforce the protection mechanism, control gates can also the added at the junction of canal and river. It is like having multiple canal bank development inside the city fabric radiating from river rather than having one riverbank development or rather ignored and polluted river cutting through the city.
Dec 13, 2011
Biological Clock of City : Collective Dynamism of Population
By- Anoop Jha
Relevance of City Dynamism in Urban Planning
Biological clock of a city can be understood as a collective activity of resident population across the hours, days, seasons, and decades. These varying patterns and shift in activities depend on the characteristics and collective traits of cities or urban settlements like – Character of city like historic, metropolitan, ecological or place of tourist interest, industry type i.e. service, manufacturing or agro business, Economy and business of city, Trade and commercial activities, Religious activities, rituals, Public transit system availability and regulations, political stability and governance.
A city or town metaphorically behaves like a living organism and hence each one of them has a unique signature activity pattern. In spite of static nature of cities it has lots of innumerous dynamic activities going on within it’s envelop and beyond. Pace and extent of these activities are cyclic in nature and varies across days and hours in somewhat predictable ways and seem synchronized with diurnal variation i.e. cycle of day and night, e.g. two visibly distinct peak hours of activities in any given particular day across the cities. Cities also seem synchronized to different seasons and show different patterns of daily activities as per that season, e.g. Majority of population getting off to sleep early in winters and shops being closed early, accompanied by lesser traffic and activities on street in winter w.r.t. summer.
The reason studying “biological pattern of city” can be an interesting and important are for planners is that till now, while planning or developing a city they have historically and inevitably always assumed that city is a static entity and then they prepare a Masterplan for that city, While it’s a fundamentally wrong assumption and process of planning for a city. Let’s take a fresh look on any random city, you will find that it’s a living, thriving and dynamic entity. The word morphology which is synonymous with mutation, when used in context of urban pattern itself states that city characteristically resembles a living and dynamic entity.
Challenge for the new age planners is to recognise and accept the fact that they are planning for an active, constantly changing and mutating dynamic entity called “City” rather than the past and contemporary notion of city as a static built mass, with some activities being marked in static zones of Landuse in different color on Masterplan. Urban planners not only have to consider the character of the particular city to be built or redeveloped but they also have to consider the present or future activity pattern as well as temperament of the city.
Dec 9, 2011
Environment centric view of Planning and architecture
By - Anoop Jha
Creating green value chain for projects
If we observe closely, apart from the obvious socio economic benefits and unavoidable demand needs of the development projects they have some questionable effects on our environment. Any development project affects the the ecological balance of nature through its resource exploitation and project externalities, which in most of the cases seems inevitable to prevent, but its effects can be mellowed down and an attempt can be made to neutralize the negative impacts of development on the environment.
Environment centric approach is the process of planning which revolves around the aim to conserve and minimise the effect of development project. It is applicable to any scale and nature of project whether architectural or planning. Its a process of integrating green design and planning principals as well as adopting green strategies across the different segments of, project lifespan, implementation and operational value chain of any planning or architectural project.
There are ways and means to formulize greener value chain for new planning projects like new township or business district, introducing and reinforcing green retrofit for the existing functional value chain like any random city, there are also principals to plug in green principals into the value chains into the dilapidated value chain like old cities or uncontrolled megapolis. Planner’s role is to analyse the situation and propose green and sustainable environmental friendly strategies for the city.
Dec 6, 2011
Neglected Urban River Stretches - an untapped potential
By - Anoop Jha
Ignorance to the very thing which initiated the settlement of city
River which was supposed to be the life of city has become a dumping yard of city and ignored like a backyard of house in the course of evolution of city. Most of the early civilizations evolved and nurtured on the banks of river, there must be some reason for that.
Historically City used to be a combination of human Settlement, built form and River, which used to be a complete experience in itself, and key to an autonomous existence, because people used to be utterly dependent on river for –
Grazing Land,
Drinking water,
Other Daily Activities
Contemporarily most of the rivers in the developing countries are either polluted or ignored or both, the only activity related to that is -
Dumping Industrial Waste
Dumping city sewage and waste water
Retrieving water for drinking and other purposes
For majority of rivers in the cities of developing countries the case is that river is no more directly related to livelihood of residents of the city, insignificant business or trade activities related to river, dominance of surface transport, numerous other recreational activities and places other than river. Even rivers are perceived as hindrance in Commuting from one part of city to the other (common feeling: God forbid the long route and traffic jams on bridges crossing river at rush hours!!!).
Need is to Understand the significance of river in forming the balanced ecosystem in the dynamics of city. Cleaning, nurturing and integrating the river stretches in to the fabric of city. There is an urgent need for Pro-river Planning approach integrating it with mainstream city life. Strict but sensible river conservation and integration guidelines need to be in the place.
Even if the Riverfront Development is not possible due to some constraints like revenue, resource etc. some of the strategies to integrate river to the city life can be –
River cleansing and maintenance through diversion and downstream disposal of city waste water and sewage
Streamlining, developing and maintaining optimum acceptable standards of clean and safe public spaces with public facilities at river banks
Providing access to “public transport nodes” from river bank at walkable distances,
Integrating every existing open and green space of city to the riverbank
24X7 Surveillance and easy help facilities
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