Apr 9, 2019

With right amount of data and intention future can be staged and predicted with lot of accuracy.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


Staging a physical barrier for instance which trigger the channelised behavior and action of subject which is somewhat  predictable in a sense considering 50:50 scenario, i.e. what will certainly not happen(85% to 99% accuracy) Vs what may happen (35% to 90% accuracy), which means that you can predict near term future with say 70% accuracy and longer term future with say 55% accuracy, its not simply unpredictable like probabilistic theory nor just a play of permutations combinations, but as introduced earlier its staged with more control over future scenario. You do not need a rat to experiment with this, human is perfect subject for this experiment with zero harmful side effects. Or rather take control of your own future.

One also feels that based on the analysis of individual's distributed long term and live information, routine analysis, habit tracking and based on behavioral analysis any individual's actual real time micro environment can be recreated at a remote location with 80+ % accuracy.

#future #AI #theory #science #technology #data #futuretech #health #psychology #information #world

Apr 1, 2019

Technology to increasingly make world a level play field.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


Few years ago the best pizza delivery guys were those who had addresses on their fingertips, likewise the best drivers were those who had every city street memorised. Come today and that difference in skillset of various pizza delivery guy and different drivers is gone. Everyone of them is more or less equally empowered and informed about neighborhood street and addresses thanks to map based realtime tracking and navigation. No one considered how technology is going to change the rules of game increasingly making this world a level play field for all one segment at a time.