- Interior Design Consultancy services Catering to Residential and Commercial Segments. International and pan Netherlands Services e.g. cities like Amsterdam, Amstelveen, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Delft, Haarlem, Almere, Leiden, Groningen, Maastricht, Hilversum, Tilburg, Breda, Alkmaar, Zoetermeer, Diemen, Hoofddorp, Nijmegen, Schiedam, Venlo, Zaandam, Alphen aan den Rijn, Apeldoorn, Arnhem, Enschede, Leeuwarden, Zwolle, Gouda, Dordrecht, Amersfoort and Neighborhoods like e.g. Stadshart Westwijk, Buitenveldert Bijlmermeer, Loosduinen, Kralingen, Leidsche Rijn, Woensel-Zuid, Schalkwijk, Almere Poort, Diemen Zuid, Toolenburg, De Pijp, Jordaan, Zuidas, Statenkwartier, Bezuidenhout, Delfshaven, Kop van Zuid, Blijdorp, Wittevrouwen, Tuindorp, Stratum, Tongelre, Spangen, Valkenburg, Bergpolder. ect. Customer Segments - New Homeowners, Home remodeling, Retail Interior Design ect. Other Specialty Services – circular and sustainable interiors, DIY (Do-it-Yourself) design concepts, Vastu based design 1st Free Online Session to discuss Client's Needs and Services being offered
Jan 27, 2025
URBAN TENETS INTERIOR DESIGN EXPERIENCE SNAPSHOT_NETHERLANDS-Amsterdam, Nieuwegein, Almere, Hoofddorp, Badhoevedorp, Delft, Hague, ect.
Feb 18, 2023
Why it's high time to revisit architectural tradition, architectural wisdom and architecture education?
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
When kitchen's purpose, ideal design and it's appropriate space in a house was being concluded century ago or so, then architects actually had no vision of app based food delivery, home based chef, role of kitchen/kitchen products in remote elementary education, working women, gender equality in kitchen, work from home concept, how important kitchen waste reduction and management is and so on; when this matter is being discussed today, we hardly have any realistic idea how robots are going to take over kitchen in near-distant future, how 3D printed food may altar food production/ preferences, how IIOT/ IOT may impact farm-to-plate food supply chain, whether community/ township level bespoke food/ pizza vending machine may even render private kitchen obsolete.
When architects were convinced that there is basic necessity
of having lobby, lounge, drawing room and dining room/area as essential
elements of a reasonable house, they had no vision that majority of family
individuals in future will spend most of their non-working hours/ personal work
hours/ recreation hours/ study hours within two to ten feet range from their TV
set and/or desktop/ study table/ gaming console; they didn't envisage that
"Activity" and "lifestyle" (scrolling phone, tab, working/
entertaining on laptop, yoga mat time - all virtually devoid of space
anchorage) will be paramount compared to need of "Formal Space"
(drawing room etc.); they had no idea that family members will be doing part of
talking/ communication / information exchange virtually (as a routine) even
when present under one roof, getting rid of dining table discussion; they
missed visualising that in future due to almost autonomous lifestyle of
individual family members of a household it will be almost impossible to bring
every family member to dining table, that too at same time and also not
realising that with plethora of audio-visual choices and modes available, the
empowered individuals in a family will lack the time, motivation and patience
to gather in front of TV to watch a common channel, defying purpose of drawing
And likewise.
Come today- dining room mutating into study room, drawing
room reinvented as gym and so on, calls for urgent need of revisiting the
inherited architectural values and reinventing ideology of functional space.
Author: Anoop Jha
#architecture #architect #urbanplanning #townplanning #space
#interiordesign #decor #studio #design #art #habitat #housing #hfa #housingforall
#smartcity #city #bhk #realestate #township #data #future #futurearchitecture
#history #lounge #home
Some embedded economic bias in road and transportation planning and policy to ponder.
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
Speed Breaker experienced differently by different price range cars; flat monetary penalty imposed on breaking any particular traffic rule experienced differently by different income group, one segment better protected while on road due to advanced safety feature of their car compared to not so privileged vehicle owner, VIP and reserved parking spaces in public domain and within public institutions, those opting public transport not out of choice or sense of responsibility but out of economic constraints, those opting private transport not out of ignorance but by choice since they can afford, similar workplace cutoff arrival time or same flexi-hour for those who are insulated from weather while on road (car) and those whose journey is tough and gets Interrupted due to changing weather conditions (bike/ bicycle), those who can afford to take shortcut toll route vs those who cannot, road tax which is not linked to intensity of vehicle usage but type and number of vehicle ownership and some more.
One or many or all may be applicable to any given city and needs a serious thought and deliberation on subject by planners and policy makers.
#transportplanning #urbanplanning #publictransport #tranport
#road #design #architecture #economics #carbonfootprint #publicpolicy
Life-cycle gap in architectural services being offered!
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
A typical house requires to go through not just periodic renovation but also series of remodeling across it's life cycle as a function of household's life events, lifestyle changes and life adjustment requirements. Home remodeling prompted by changes including but not limited to arrival of kids in life, children going to school, children getting married, parents getting old, realisation of yourself getting old and so on. These changes though obvious and imperative but neither being acknowledged nor getting addressed by architects and one time architectural services being offered, while home owners are left on their own to do the required readjustments to house, think of space planning and redefining space usage.
It's worthwhile that architecture fraternity give a serious thought to this challenge and gap that exists in rendering architectural services. Whether one time architectural service being offered can factor in all above requirements or whether architects can handhold their clients for lifetime or something else.
Author: Anoop Jha
#Architect #architecture #design #building #realestate
#urbandesign #urbanplanning #townplanning #city #smartcity #future #profession
#corporate #business
Skewed and limited perception of project essentials, budget, timeline and professional fees in developing countries!
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
The notion of urban development and architecture in a developing country is more or less, civic amenities, public facilities, parks, road, paving, brick and mortar etc and 3D simulation to either publicise welfare achievements or to lure investors. We see in both public and private domain one such project after another lined up, debated, recognised, argued, praised, awarded or dropped and trashed.
While most of such projects get executed anyways even in developing countries and cities, but most of these projects certainly, sometimes purposefully miss one or several or most of following fundamental elements of urban planning and architectural practice which are part and parcel to developed country's usual planning and design practice, including Heat island effect analysis, Shadow analysis, Wind tunnel test, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, shading analysis, traffic noise simulation, sustainable city/ neighborhood development practice, Low Impact Development (LID) planning, waste heat recovery, building heat load simulation, green building design, solar passive design, and many more.
It's difficult to understand the root cause of same, whether it is lack of knowledge and awareness at city administration and client level or lack of capital or unavailability of technology or lack of technology know how or inertia of decades of mediocre planning or simply ignorance or reluctance to growth. Whatever be the reason it's high time that city administrations, planning professionals and architects increasingly adopt to good essential planning and design practices, advise clients to consider these and projects must allocate additional budget to integrate these while consultants, consulting firms and advisory firms must be paid judiciously to integrate and adopt to above mentioned necessary measures. Accordingly project timelines should also be increased to make room for adopting such good practices.
Author: Anoop Jha
#urbanplanning #architecture #sustainability #simulation
#smartcity #design #townplanning #development #projects #technology #consulting
Predicting future Art Style based on analysis of historic shift and trend in art world!.
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
************************************************Dominant Theme:-[Expression]
Driving Force:-(Urge to create and capture, inner
fulfilment, fame)
Dimention:-(All thing visual and perceptual, any workable
media, any expressive mode, any style)
Influenced:-(Reflected contemporary thoughts, mimicking
social situation, inner battle, contagious)
Past:-{Revolutionary in a specific sphere, predictable,
glorified, threatened twice firstly by photography and secondly by digital
media, Plagiarized}
Future:-<Digital, NFT, immersive>
Dominant Theme:-[Communicate Message]
Driving Force:-(Drawing Inspiration from contemporary
subjects, Banality of existing styles, thrill of presenting something new,
search of unknown, advancement in art media tech)
Dimention:-(Cross continental, achieving Immortalisation
through digitization)
Influenced:-(Messages continued to be of relevance in spite
of changing times, giving historic insight of time)
Past:-{Expression became more important that medium, art
style boundaries merged}
Future:-<New tech mediums and dimensions will provide unparalleled way of expressions and radical shift in style>
Dominant Theme:-[Building unified art expression considering
rich history and in spite of cultural diversity]
Driving Force:-(Projecting Image of India)
Dimention:-(Digging deeper into traditional roots, ruling
kingdoms, mythology, ritual, spirituality and looking inward to explore new
creative freedom still in oriental conservatism)
Influenced:-(Inseparable from history, shaped culture,
represented range of contradiction from glorious history to oppression to taste
of freedom to hopeful future)
Past:-{Essentially oriental and in continued search of
identity while absorbing parallel world art influences}
Future:-<Found its niche, selected individuals tasted commercial success, new world of opportunity on horizon, yet to find stable ground in world art and require correct valuation>
Dominant Theme:-[Characterized by constant battle of
tradition and freedom]
Driving Force:-(confidence of tradition, Taste of commercial
success, tribe of youth with new age values)
Dimention:-(Permeated to all possible spatial dimensions,
virtual world)
Influenced:-(Rebooted art and craft tradition, brought art
into mainstream)
Past:-{Taste of commercial success validated contemporary
take on oriental, tribe of experimentative youth artists reinforced rich
vernacular expression, ease and real time access to world art, literature and
events constantly shaped the art style to match with world's stylistic
Future:-<Poised to achieve a unified and mature signature
expression representative of Indian cultural tradition, values, and motifs,
future technology is bound to reshape yet to mature Indian art style,
expression & Market>
Author: Anoop Jha
Architecture as it has been and as it is today, is only capable to offer geometric solution to your organic needs, with exceptions!
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
Case of Residential Architecture.
Theoretically "Form follows function" Makes sense,
but in actuality "Building/ unit Form" first follows budget, building
bylaws, construction practice, construction technology, modular product
specifications being used in building and interior and real estate trend;
dependency of form on "Function" comes last, rather it's a vague idea
i.e., considering each individual or collectively as a household having a specific
spatial bubble requirement based on their height, size, no. of family members,
type of work, hobby, habit, health condition, cultural preferences etc. Still,
irrespective of whatever form and anthropometric spatial dimensions that suits
you and your family collectively, you will still have to settle for whatever
real estate developer has to offer, unless you are filthy rich, uness you are
getting your home designed at a remote location beyond municipal jurisdiction,
and unless your architect is actually sensitive and considerate for your known
and latent needs, and unless he or she knows how to beat the bylaws while
staying within statutory confinements.
Idea of correct typology, dimensions and hierarchy of
architectural spaces in your home, is not your own, it has been imposed on you
for other's convenience. Three fold challenges are seens in architectural
practice i. e. one, most of the input criteria of architectural design is
already pre-defined leaving little room for creativity and accommodating client
specific needs, secondly most clients themselves are not aware about their own
needs and they stick to their superficial requirements as architectural brief,
lastly most architects seldomly play a role of client's counselor to understand
their needs more comprehensively and deeply.
Author: Anoop Jha
#architecture #urbanplanning #architect #buildingbylaws #bylaws #municipal #design #cityplanning #smartcity #interiordesign
Feb 17, 2023
Notion of good and bad Urban Streets -
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
************************************************Mar 15, 2015
No such thing as Level Play Field or Even Ground...
Feb 11, 2015
A den of your own in a public realm!
Dec 16, 2014
Photography = Skill + Timing + Luck
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Ladies with water vessel |
Aug 4, 2014
Jul 24, 2014
Creating dynamic street environment- A cure for repetitive monotony of city!
Jul 13, 2014
Jun 24, 2014
Apr 26, 2014
Art on Autopilot - Since you dont have time!
Apr 17, 2014
Public spaces: transiting from interactive to addictive spaces
Mar 7, 2014
City of Portrait hunters!
City, such interesting place it is with such interesting people. City, where every day is another odd day for accidental encounter with interesting people, subject of inspiration, portraits!
Every thinking face on a street and every thought engrossed expressions on a public transport here is portrait worthy character it seems. Expressions with hints of accumulated experience still hidden behind unfathomable layers of time, and wrapped under imposed smile, only occasionally revealed by the true talkative eyes. City filled with such inexhaustible supply of interesting characters is a true shrine for portrait hunters whether artists, photographers, writers or movie directors.