Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts

Feb 21, 2023

All businesses and services need to support causes equal or more noble than it's own for a better world.

urban management and development urban planning netherlands amsterdam rotterdam hague utrecht india delhi mumbai noida gurugram urban tenets design

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An exemplary case proposal for transportation sector.

Imagine an airline company which offers free public transport day pass in origin and destination city along with it's every flight ticket to encourage use of public transport for last mile connectivity, a car company which gives free bicycle with every car purchase to promote use of bicycle for short distance travel, a motorcycle brand that gives free periodic bike servicing to it's customers on showing particular bicycle-mile earned to enhance use of bicycle as complementary travel mode, a bicycle manufacturing company that offers free outdoor activity accessories and protective gears to senior citizens who regularly walk and pay frequent visits to park.

Above proposal and logic is true and need of time for all sectors and chain of businesses. For example a petrochemical company which meets all it's non-production energy requirement through renewable sources to set example and to contribute for a better world.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

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#business #businessinnovation #bicycle #airline #car #manufacturing #industry #futureofbusiness #forabetterworld #businesssynergy #sharedprosperity

Feb 18, 2023

Life-cycle gap in architectural services being offered!

urban planning urban management urban design community town planning netherlands amsterdam utrecht rotterdam hague india new delhi smart cities mumbai noida gurugram  436564

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


A typical house requires to go through not just periodic renovation but also series of remodeling across it's life cycle as a function of household's life events, lifestyle changes and life adjustment requirements. Home remodeling prompted by changes including but not limited to arrival of kids in life, children going to school, children getting married, parents getting old, realisation of yourself getting old and so on. These changes though obvious and imperative but neither being acknowledged nor getting addressed by architects and one time architectural services being offered, while home owners are left on their own to do the required readjustments to house, think of space planning and redefining space usage.

It's worthwhile that architecture fraternity give a serious thought to this challenge and gap that exists in rendering architectural services. Whether one time architectural service being offered can factor in all above requirements or whether architects can handhold their clients for lifetime or something else.

Author: Anoop Jha

#Architect #architecture #design #building #realestate #urbandesign #urbanplanning #townplanning #city #smartcity #future #profession #corporate #business

Feb 17, 2023

Why to make smart cities?

urban management urban planning innovattion public policy governance netherlands india amsterdam utrecht rotterdam smart cities hague delhi noida gurugram 1234534645

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Thinking other way round, do we have choice not to make smart cities?

Thinking of all the inexhaustible technological breakthrough that is happening, the unimaginable pace of it and the ever-disruptive potential of technology; do we have purpose, choice or even capabilities to stop that?

Thinking of intellectual quest of minds, uncompromising force of commerce and vested business interests, that drives and support technological innovations, do we have intention, choice or even capacity to stop that?

Are there prolific examples in history, where forces of technological progress and commerce were challenged, disrupted or tamed, or weren’t they possibly the very latent or obvious force which throughout shaped the world in general and cities in specific?

So, as, innovations, backed by powerful businesses and capable investors are anyway going to exponentially continue, irrespective; then the question remains is that, where will they apply such novel concepts and emerging technology; the obvious prime choice in this case remains “cities”; cities of specific minimum threshold size, with optimum density and known economic stability, cities that provide ultimate testing ground for smart technology, a vast “living laboratory”!

Acknowledging the inevitability of proliferation of smart interventions in cities, even if in bits and pieces, even if in uncoordinated and scattered manners, that too without choice; it is apt and thoughtful to increasingly align our aptitude, our values and institutions to embrace such unstoppable changes, so that at least those technological efforts could be coordinated and channelised in a desired direction in any given urban environment, may be collectively labelling it "smart city".

If we already labelled them as smart city, that only shows awareness, proactiveness and receptiveness to this idea that smart city may not be a mere choice! 

Author: Anoop Jha

#smartcities #smartcity #future #startup #university #sustainability #business #commerce #history #amsterdam #rotterdam #delhi #india #netherlands #urbanplanning #urbandevelopment #urbanmanagement

Feb 4, 2023

New generation of businessmen and industrialists in making, based on a new age value system.

Business strategy tips tricks growth goal revenue new generation of businessman netherlands amsterdam europe sustainability esg climate change climate adaptation eindhoven rotterdam

Businesses and industries even in a usual scenario follow a natural progression of efficiency over time leading to unitary level sustainability. This efficiency is mostly driven by technological advancement and external obligatory forces. This has been one way of operation for quite some time in history i.e., being guided by regulatory compulsion and customer’s expectations. But real changes have to come from within.

So what has actually changed or possibly going to change about how businesses and industries have been operating since decades?

Businesses and industries have traditionally been based on foundation of demand and supply; production, consumption and profit; leaving little room for value system which world actually demands today.

For instance, the need of sustainability, resilience, equality, need to act responsibly, need to engage and protect community, protecting biodiversity, being mindful about resources that we consume, waste and energy footprint that we leave, having greater responsibility towards other fellow world citizens, these seem to be newly discussed wisdom. Unlike today, many of the elements of new age value system as mentioned above must be rare to find few decades ago, especially in early education system. And in absence of such values what must have resulted, is the businesses and industries leading to mass consumption of scarce resources, exploitation of human capital, causing degradation of environment and community life etc. i.e. old values which though suggested to create abundance but “at any cost” and abundance mostly for self rather than for community.

Now imagine the new generation of businessman and industrialist in the process of emergence, who have access and exposure to all new age wisdom and have been taught same from the elementary level onwards. Now when they will start their businesses and run their industries they will be running and driving companies based on new moral and systemic values, with much clarity of purpose, with a pursuit that goes beyond self-centric growth, being mindful of their action, driven by value system which cares for all impacted, creating abundance for all, also knowing the real cost of growth and managing the externalities. These changes will be from within business and industries driven by new age business leaders and industrialists through a new value system, and will not just be a result of external statutory forces or market obligations.

This a hopeful time in history when new league of human capital is emerging, who are inspired and driven by evolved value system to make world a better place.

Author: Anoop Jha

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


#business #industry #fossilfuel #greenwashing #climatechange #renewableenergy #energy #corporate #leadership #futureofindustries #alkmaar #sustainability #resilience #Rotterdam #Amsterdam #Utrecht #Hauge #Delft #Netherlands

Jun 23, 2019

How to pinpoint prospective business!

business netherlands opportunity design interior graphics urban management amsterdam growth data tender bid competition projects eu europe

[ #consultancy #city #state #projects ]

If an individual or organization cares to habitually screen and analyse following data in public domain they can easily foresee prospective projects which are yet to surface, they can either float suo moto proposal or in other case they are already half way through with proposal before project surfaces.

List of Data to be screened for prospective business in urban domain-

-Press release of ULBs, state, center and various departments

-Articles of local, regional and national newspapers (including local language and multilingual) and online news

-State vision plans and perspective plans

-Blogs and discussion forums, 

-Public speech and interview transcripts of PM, CM, Ministers, MLAs, Mayors, and Municipal Commissioners, councillors 


-District Development Plans

-Vision document extracts related to phase 2, 3, n

-Strength and gaps of any state and city (state dashboard, city observatory) 

-Proposed basket of PPP projects under various fesibility reports

-Research papers of academicians and field experts

-Autopsy of failed project proposals and tenders which didn't kick off

-MoUs and EOIs of Business summits 

-Reports of chamber of commerce, thinktanks, financial and banking institution,

-Expansion plans of large national level companies and MNCs

-Manifesto etc.

BD efforts are to be properly backed by R&D and forecast. 

Authour: Anoop Jha

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


Key words:
#business #businessdevelopment #tender #tendering #bid #bidding #bidprocessmanagement #company #organisation #sales 

Apr 3, 2016

Top 15 Business and Startup Quotes

Success begins with a dream that fuels purpose and action every day.

Via @urbanoregional

By Anoop Jha

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at
