Showing posts with label Industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Industry. Show all posts

Feb 18, 2023



circular economy urban management urban planning innovattion public policy governance netherlands india amsterdam utrecht rotterdam hague delhi noida gurugram 243243

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


(Need for clear long-term Vision and policy restructuring)

-Those who are factory producing and mass packaging have no plan, linkage or obligation towards ultimate waste handling and minimization.

-Waste minimization and recycling linked Tax saving incentives at all levels from goods producer to consumer to waste generators can see radical reduction in ultimate waste

-In a Dystopian future scenario city gets consumed in its own waste

-In a Utopian future civilisation scenario, humans have to be out of waste handling, segregation, recycling and landfill process!

#wastemanagement #future #landfill #urbanplanning #waste #solidwaste #municipalsolidwaste #msw #commerce #industry

Feb 4, 2023

New generation of businessmen and industrialists in making, based on a new age value system.

Business strategy tips tricks growth goal revenue new generation of businessman netherlands amsterdam europe sustainability esg climate change climate adaptation eindhoven rotterdam

Businesses and industries even in a usual scenario follow a natural progression of efficiency over time leading to unitary level sustainability. This efficiency is mostly driven by technological advancement and external obligatory forces. This has been one way of operation for quite some time in history i.e., being guided by regulatory compulsion and customer’s expectations. But real changes have to come from within.

So what has actually changed or possibly going to change about how businesses and industries have been operating since decades?

Businesses and industries have traditionally been based on foundation of demand and supply; production, consumption and profit; leaving little room for value system which world actually demands today.

For instance, the need of sustainability, resilience, equality, need to act responsibly, need to engage and protect community, protecting biodiversity, being mindful about resources that we consume, waste and energy footprint that we leave, having greater responsibility towards other fellow world citizens, these seem to be newly discussed wisdom. Unlike today, many of the elements of new age value system as mentioned above must be rare to find few decades ago, especially in early education system. And in absence of such values what must have resulted, is the businesses and industries leading to mass consumption of scarce resources, exploitation of human capital, causing degradation of environment and community life etc. i.e. old values which though suggested to create abundance but “at any cost” and abundance mostly for self rather than for community.

Now imagine the new generation of businessman and industrialist in the process of emergence, who have access and exposure to all new age wisdom and have been taught same from the elementary level onwards. Now when they will start their businesses and run their industries they will be running and driving companies based on new moral and systemic values, with much clarity of purpose, with a pursuit that goes beyond self-centric growth, being mindful of their action, driven by value system which cares for all impacted, creating abundance for all, also knowing the real cost of growth and managing the externalities. These changes will be from within business and industries driven by new age business leaders and industrialists through a new value system, and will not just be a result of external statutory forces or market obligations.

This a hopeful time in history when new league of human capital is emerging, who are inspired and driven by evolved value system to make world a better place.

Author: Anoop Jha

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


#business #industry #fossilfuel #greenwashing #climatechange #renewableenergy #energy #corporate #leadership #futureofindustries #alkmaar #sustainability #resilience #Rotterdam #Amsterdam #Utrecht #Hauge #Delft #Netherlands

Jun 6, 2012

Apr 20, 2012

Key strengths and potential sectors of Indian states

ITES destination
Industrial estates
Abundant energy
World-class academic institutions
Storehouse of minerals

Comprehensive central investment policy for NER
Liberalised state industrial policies,
Skilled and cheap manpower
Pleasant climate and scenic landscape
Locational advantage for foreign trade

Power surplus
Availability of low grade coal-power plants
Ample amount of land

High per capita income
Proximity to trade and consumption centers in country- NCR
Automobiles and automotive components
IT/ITES facilities /software,
Textiles and readymade garments
Property development and retailing
Agro export

High incentives index
Consumer market index
Most urbanised state
Low power tariff and cost of power generation
Policy proactiveness
Availability of natural resources for agro-based industries
High literacy rates and good quality workforce
High quality limestone

Concessional land rates for industries on lease
Large tourism potential
Horticulture industry
Skills of weaving and designing of textile products,
Traditional skills of fine craftsmanship can be used in the field of electronic and precision engineering.

Proactive government
Sector-friendly policies
Large pool of skilled manpower
Best infrastructure
Larger focus on industrial growth

High literacy rate
Largest producer of coconut, pepper, coir, cocoa, rubber and areca nut

Law and order
High growth in infrastructure development..
High growth in agriculture
Good governance.
Centrally located, / accessible
Low cost of skilled labor
Low cost of land
Cement, textiles and edible oils.
Track record of attracting private investment in transport infrastructure
Initiated greenfield special economic zone.
Automobile and pharmaceutical industries
Improving social development indices

Mineral production
Producers of cotton and wool
Tourist destination
Progressive states in electricity sector reforms
Oil and gas reserves
Emerging destination for it and ITES industries

Promoting industrial estates, industrial parks and growth centre
Vast pool of a natural resource
Tourism development
Quality human resource base at competitive rates
Number of fiscal benefits like concessional industrial package

By Anoop Jha


Jan 18, 2012

McCormick Place to showcase 2012 AHR Expo

McCormick Place, Chicago
McCormick Place is one of the largest convention complexes in the world, located close to downtown Chicago, Illinois. It attracts around 3 million visitors every year.

AHR EXPO 2012, which showcases HVAC and ancillary industry products and services is scheduled in January (23 -25) and poised to be the largest AHR Expo ever. 

[Handpicked Books] 

Nov 17, 2011

Perception of space – a function (f) of day and night

urban management urban planning innovattion public policy governance netherlands india amsterdam utrecht rotterdam smart cities hague delhi noida gurugram

Dramatic shift in Perception of Space during Day and Night.

Day and Night, an ever existent inseparable phenomenon, it’s an external influence on the perception of space, architecture and built form, an environmental influence which alter the experience of space in dramatic way, but we pay very little attention on such a wonderful aspect of such powerful influence while planning an urban setting, or while designing interior of a building. 

In day sun light is ambient and almost omnipresent when it comes to outdoor urban setting with an interplay of light and shadow, but mostly the experience of any specific outdoor space is more or less uniform and little monotonous throughout the day, while night provides infinite possibilities to create, mould, play with space, volume and ambiance outdoor as well as indoors using variety of light sources. Volume of space is directly proportional to intensity of light source, sources of artificial light give a totally different perception on a dark night compared to day time since the space that we perceive and experience in night time. In this case the bright perceived space slowly merges into the  dark sphere of night. Hence night provides ample scope of creating user experience in an urban setting and its responsibility of planners, and architects  and landscape architects to plan and design lighting of public spaces as well interiors of a building with an aim to provide a unique experience of end use in night period. 

Nov 8, 2011

Urban Infrastructure : Investment Vs Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

Investment Vs O&M
Urban Infrastructure Cost

Per Capita Investment Cost by Sector
(Rs at 2009-10 prices)
Source:  Report on Indian  Urban Infrastructure and Services 

Per Capita Operations and Maintenance Cost (annual) by Sector

Source:  Report on Indian  Urban Infrastructure and Services 

Urban Infrastructure Investment Requirement (2012-31)
(Rs crore)
Source:  Report on Indian  Urban Infrastructure and Services 

Operations and Maintenance Expenditure by Sector (2012-31)

Source:  Report on Indian  Urban Infrastructure and Services 

Pattern of per Capita investment in different urban infrastructure sectors and O&M cost are somewhat different from each other, while Urban Roads demands more capital investment , Water Supply, Sewage, SWM, Urban Road & Transport require more O&M investment. 

"Water utilities in India are typically able to recover only 30-35 per cent of the operations and maintenance (O&M) cost.Even with current levels of highly inadequate service, solid waste management accounts for 25-50 per cent of a ULB’s expenditure (World Bank 2006), but cities recover less than 50 per cent of the O&M cost, according to a study by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. ULBs will be required to invest 54 per cent on capital investment and close to 25 per cent on the O&M of physical assets by 2021-22. In practice, user charges cover less than 50 per cent of the O&M cost of basic infrastructure services in India, on an average"

Source:  Report on Indian  Urban Infrastructure and Services