Showing posts with label realestate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label realestate. Show all posts

Apr 24, 2023

Revisiting landuse

urban management and development_urban planning_Netherlands_India_Europe_Delhi Gurgugram Mumbai__Amsterdam_Utrecht_ Rotterdam_Smart Cities_ Urban Tenets real estate land use

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

If any part of city, neighborhood, plot or real estate inventory is not performing optimally, or partially vacant or deserted; then possibly assigned land use is not appropriate, which is required to be heterogeneous and able to be readjusted in near real time. The definition of land use as well need to be re-examined.

Land use regulation in any part of world usually has inbuilt provisions of land use conversion, sometimes by complex and lengthy statutory provisions; while land use remains binding for five to ten years or longer. Also, today’s land use plan, might be based on 5 to 10 year or older idea of what growth is or what growth should be or what growth may look like in future.

The actual current growth, desired land use composition and today’s socio-commercial dynamics may or may not match the historically envisaged growth pattern, land use classification; or land use spatial distribution; which usually leads to mismatch in current land use demand, supply, and mix. Hence the nobel intention of development control regulation, though may serve its intended purpose of stopping haphazard development, may also prove to be insufficient or counter-productive due to its rigidity. Further the definition of land use in terms of its current broad categories, and manner of current application in three dimentional space may remain a barrier for quick adaptation to market demand and supply, in absence of further granularity.

The traditional land use regulation is usually top-down, many a times fails to respond to emerging unforeseen bottom-up requirements over years; especially short-term requirements and rarely corresponds to real time requirements. City scale development control regulations or meso scale land use regulations and urban design guideline in all its legitimacy and validity, still by its very nature, may also create a rigid abstract three-dimensional regulated space which may act as a self-limiting criterion, failing to respond to present and real time land use demand pressure and socio-commercial aspirations.

While land use remains, an indispensable city planning tool, it a) may require to reinvent itself to be agile, allowing land usage conversion in near real time; b) may require to factor in dynamic property pricing and associated economic cost-benefit so that not a single acreage of potential urban space or single square feet of precious real estate remain underutilised in a city; c) may require to be implemented at a more granular level i.e., looking at a mixed-use zone or mixed-use building for instance not just as a spatial land use demarcation or a vertically stacked land use, but to be seen as mosaic (pixels) of variety of land usage both horizontally and vertically; compatibility of which can always be worked out.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 


Mar 5, 2023

Effective use of vacant real estate inventory and land use interoperability as an innovative shared economy model.

urban management and development_urban planning_Netherlands_India_Europe_Delhi Gurgugram Mumbai__Amsterdam_Utrecht_ Rotterdam_Smart Cities_ Urban Tenets real estate

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

The ~2.5% to ~25% of vacancy rate witnessed across world in range of real estate inventories including residential, to offices, to commercial, to hospitality, suggests to have a new business and governance model and calls for emergence of a niche "integrator sector", that is as impactful as real estate and as efficient as shared mobility sector. We see algorithm at work when cab services, rideshare or MaaS make use of technology to match demand and supply to maximise the use of inventory, there is no reason why same logic can’t be applied in the real estate inventory case, except for the self imposed, static and limiting regulations of land use. Making effective use of this last quarter vacant inventory may prove to be the one missing piece of puzzle towards sustainable use of resources and circular economy. Need of this new integrator sector or functionality, either private or public, emerges as traditionally fragmented sectors of real estate and hospitality has been unable to fill this last mile vacancy gap.

Another missing piece of puzzle is the short to medium term interoperability of land use. That basically means, residential demand (rental, student housing etc.) is not necessarily to be fulfilled only by residential land use but may possibly be served by vacant office or commercial spaces as well and visa versa, that further implies revisiting and reinventing the structure, definition and statutory construct of land use, which may choose to allow room for swift, smooth and temporary interoperability i.e. near real time to quick on demand land use changes, which theoretically seems plausible. Land use here may mean a unit, to floor, to facility to altogether a neighbourhood. The only actual time lag that is there, is the time required for remodeling one land use space to another purpose, contractual and operational arrangements. There are great examples across the world where horizontal or vertical or mosaic mixed use spaces coexist in harmony.

What is required, is to have a centralised real-time stock of vacant inventories, stock of upcoming availability based on contract tenure and predicted vacancy modelling, and need of one integrator or consortia of integrators managing same.

City administration individually or collectively at a city, metropolitan or regional level are technically most equipped to bridge this demand supply gap and to do the associated regulatory adjustments as required.

Hoping the next phase of urban digitalisation may be able to solve the puzzle, and reap the benefit of shared economy at urban built environment scale.

Presented as a universally applicable conceptual model.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

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#urbanplanning #realestate #smartcity #infrastructure #architecture #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Lieden #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands #circulareconomy

Feb 21, 2023

Live anywhere work anywhere city!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


urban management and development urban planning netherlands amsterdam rotterdam hague utrecht india delhi mumbai noida gurugram urban tenets design
Proposed model for a pilot city, a district of experimentation, a living laboratory or a city retrofit suitable for a particular demography.

Majority of people leave ancestral home, hometown, current house or current city as higher education, work or financial situation demands, and they don't mind doing so. Also given an option majority of people wouldn't mind migrating from current home to an all equipped star category accommodation managed by hospitality brand as a practical decision. Above is evidence that people can live anywhere, they don't have to return from work to the same home or house number every evening, home can technically be omnipresent.

Now, especially after covid19 mass WFH and long range remote working phenomenon it's also indisputable that work place can be omnipresent as well. They don't have to go to same workplace every morning, they don't have to go to same office or same coworking space rather they can work from any coworking facility. This city will require a central warehousing of personal belongings from where required personal items can be delivered on demand and you will require an app to locate the nearest vacant workstation for the day and nearest available home to spend rest of the evening and night! 


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 



Feb 18, 2023

Why it's high time to revisit architectural tradition, architectural wisdom and architecture education?

architecture education urban planning urban management urban design community town planning netherlands amsterdam utrecht rotterdam hague india new delhi smart cities mumbai noida gurugram

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


When kitchen's purpose, ideal design and it's appropriate space in a house was being concluded century ago or so, then architects actually had no vision of app based food delivery, home based chef, role of kitchen/kitchen products in remote elementary education, working women, gender equality in kitchen, work from home concept, how important kitchen waste reduction and management is and so on; when this matter is being discussed today, we hardly have any realistic idea how robots are going to take over kitchen in near-distant future, how 3D printed food may altar food production/ preferences, how IIOT/ IOT may impact farm-to-plate food supply chain, whether community/ township level bespoke food/ pizza vending machine may even render private kitchen obsolete.

When architects were convinced that there is basic necessity of having lobby, lounge, drawing room and dining room/area as essential elements of a reasonable house, they had no vision that majority of family individuals in future will spend most of their non-working hours/ personal work hours/ recreation hours/ study hours within two to ten feet range from their TV set and/or desktop/ study table/ gaming console; they didn't envisage that "Activity" and "lifestyle" (scrolling phone, tab, working/ entertaining on laptop, yoga mat time - all virtually devoid of space anchorage) will be paramount compared to need of "Formal Space" (drawing room etc.); they had no idea that family members will be doing part of talking/ communication / information exchange virtually (as a routine) even when present under one roof, getting rid of dining table discussion; they missed visualising that in future due to almost autonomous lifestyle of individual family members of a household it will be almost impossible to bring every family member to dining table, that too at same time and also not realising that with plethora of audio-visual choices and modes available, the empowered individuals in a family will lack the time, motivation and patience to gather in front of TV to watch a common channel, defying purpose of drawing room.

And likewise.

Come today- dining room mutating into study room, drawing room reinvented as gym and so on, calls for urgent need of revisiting the inherited architectural values and reinventing ideology of functional space.

Author: Anoop Jha

#architecture #architect #urbanplanning #townplanning #space #interiordesign #decor #studio #design #art #habitat #housing #hfa #housingforall #smartcity #city #bhk #realestate #township #data #future #futurearchitecture #history #lounge #home

Life-cycle gap in architectural services being offered!

urban planning urban management urban design community town planning netherlands amsterdam utrecht rotterdam hague india new delhi smart cities mumbai noida gurugram  436564

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


A typical house requires to go through not just periodic renovation but also series of remodeling across it's life cycle as a function of household's life events, lifestyle changes and life adjustment requirements. Home remodeling prompted by changes including but not limited to arrival of kids in life, children going to school, children getting married, parents getting old, realisation of yourself getting old and so on. These changes though obvious and imperative but neither being acknowledged nor getting addressed by architects and one time architectural services being offered, while home owners are left on their own to do the required readjustments to house, think of space planning and redefining space usage.

It's worthwhile that architecture fraternity give a serious thought to this challenge and gap that exists in rendering architectural services. Whether one time architectural service being offered can factor in all above requirements or whether architects can handhold their clients for lifetime or something else.

Author: Anoop Jha

#Architect #architecture #design #building #realestate #urbandesign #urbanplanning #townplanning #city #smartcity #future #profession #corporate #business

Feb 17, 2023

Solution of urban space constraints may possibly lie within existing spaces itself.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Part of the solution of urban space constraint lies in the shared use of space, infrastructure, amenities and real estate inventory. Problem that is apparently caused by selective temporal and diurnal use of indoor and outdoor spaces and associated opportunity cost of space, and solution that possibly lies in multifunctional use of space.

Decades of inertia in terms of concept of space based on segregation of function, activities and power hierarchy, makes it rather challenging to have a broader discussion on such subject. Only some emerging shared real estate space concepts are being realised here and there.

Starting with space module of residential unit, where there is no universally agreeable standard floor space threshold between the wide range of low income housing to multimillionaire mansions, and if we focus primarily on quality of residential experience instead of floor space area, it is evident that living experience of a compact star category hotel room, possibly having one fourth or one third of typical residential unit floor space area, might be considered far better than average residential unit. (To calibrate, you may think of last time you went on vacation and booked hotel). Which theoretically implies two things, one, that if hotel chains for instance could design and manage residential housing across city, they may offer better living experience in less floor space of residential unit and saved real estate space means better quality of living experience in same or less price; second that they can come up with interoperable residential arrangement and contract, that means while you are away working, travelling or on vacation, someone else can use that space, something in line of timeshare and shared living, but at mass scale, by creating and repurposing residential inventory.

Similarly interoperability of other land use functions can be devised like offices, malls and retail spaces which remains unused for two third to one third of the day. Something like creating or repurposing land use and built-up area for shared working and shared commercial purpose.

Likewise there is immense possibility of multi-functionality in city in terms of shared infrastructure, shared amenities and facilities, which can still also make social, environmental and commercial sense.
We need to slowly move towards thinking of 24x7x365 usage of entire land use categories, making most of every square feet of precious real estate and outdoor spaces in city. This may mean regulatory changes, a new architectural and urban planning approach, real estate business model innovation, lifestyle and societal changes.

Author: Anoop Jha
#realestate #architecture #hotel #circulareconomy #timeshare #coliving #coworking #architecture #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Denbosch #Alkmaar #Noordholland #Northholland #Tilburg #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands