Dec 27, 2013
Nov 16, 2013
Art from Archive - I
A decade old or so..
In that very creative moment availability of tools at ones disposal seems immaterial, it was made by oil paints applied on paper like water color that time, probably water was also used instead of oil just to somehow spread the colors on paper, or may be a bit of fabric color as well. One could have created something like this even with charcoal, or eyeliner or toothpaste, or shaving cream, or tomato catch-up or may be with some combinations of them. Its that very urge to create something that one feels is art, getting caught up in arranging the perfect colors or brushes or tool or a perfect setting in merely postponing the creation of Art.
In that very creative moment availability of tools at ones disposal seems immaterial, it was made by oil paints applied on paper like water color that time, probably water was also used instead of oil just to somehow spread the colors on paper, or may be a bit of fabric color as well. One could have created something like this even with charcoal, or eyeliner or toothpaste, or shaving cream, or tomato catch-up or may be with some combinations of them. Its that very urge to create something that one feels is art, getting caught up in arranging the perfect colors or brushes or tool or a perfect setting in merely postponing the creation of Art.
Oct 29, 2013
Habitat Automation - Can our computers generate architectural concepts on their own?
Automation of Architecture seems to be the only way to fulfill this world dream of a home
for everyone!
all know computers are really good at visual simulation, 3D Modeling and
Rendering etc., but when it comes to architectural concept design part can we also
assign this task to computers or do we still have to rely solely on architects,
for may be another century. We can’t really afford to wait even for another
decade considering the handful of Architects in world and ever mounting
unattended architectural needs of millions and more across the world, resulting
in epidemic architectural indiscipline, in forms of unorganized colonies,
squatters etc. You see the problem is the moment we tag these habitations
as squatter or unorganized it becomes a taboo, government and architects tend
to lose their interest in such settlement thinking they will deal with it
later, they simply let it happen blaming the scarce current resources, letting
it morph and mutate, left unattended and when it becomes unmanageable, planners
and NGOs come into picture doing their standard Slum Networking and
Regularization stuff. Don’t you think if these guys would have collaborated and helped those guys in the beginning while they just started
making their home on their own, in absence of any substantial external
assistance and in absence of contextual building bylaws, things would have been
very different? Though we know that one of the major reason of such unorganized
growth is demand supply gap of skilled manpower specially architects and
planners. This gap will always be there so what will we do?
can’t design and build home for everyone on earth with these limited skill
supply, but we can sure help everyone design and build their home on their own
with some robust mechanism in place, with very little assistance so that
everyone in this world has a place called home. If there isn’t enough
architects and planners in world than we will have to find out some external
tool which will assure a home for everyone! We will have to automate this very
process of architectural design making it universally accessible at almost no
cost, and please do consider that we are not at all talking here about mass
housing or government welfare scheme or something. We are talking about
knowledge transfer, relaxed, easy to understand and innovative and stratified
building guidelines, innovative use of locally available materials and most
important of all - automation of architectural design process itself. We are
here talking about shear intelligence of computer to do more than 90 percent of
architectural design including concept design and delivery part while
architects and governing body to take up the rest 10 percent or so of task just
to assure the quality of delivered options, rectifying fundamental issues, if
millions of reference images floating freely on internet in form of
architectural plans, schematic views, sectional profiles, site plans,
neighborhood plans, area plans, city and regional plans, while many millions
coming soon, along with almost unlimited supply of architectural and settlement
patterns in form of satellite imageries, it won’t be a Herculean task for
present and next generations of computers to understand the logic of all this
and to produce a somewhat rational building or neighborhood plan and form on
its own through its embedded logic and algorithm. Little bit of last mile human
intervention and everyone in this world has a blueprint for their home.
feeding a set of crude data like your architectural wishlist, site location,
plot dimension, uploading few pictures of site, surrounding and neighborhood,
stating your financial position and budget, then exploring computer generated
wonderful building options based on your data input, customizing it within the
defined domain if you feel, choosing final one and downloading your own home in
pendrive, or mailing it to competent authority or architect for few minutes of
final approval. Now, here you are printing plans for execution on site within
couple of fun hours, club this phenomenon straight with 3D-Printing thing and
here is your home ready to move in, in another couple of hours.
policy makers we need to be very realistic about finite resources at hand and
look for new ways to complement the conventional process, while breaking away
from certain self-imposed dogmas and diehard utopian dream built around human
habitation needs and conventionally defined standards, dogmas evident from the
fact that we have elaborate building bylaws for brick and mortar, and steel and
glass, but no clear set of guidelines for houses made of thermocol, plastic sheet,
tin sheet, gathered from here and there by poor urban sections. No efforts of
technology, innovation and knowledge transfer yet to such populous, just because
policy makers across world have a utopian dream of slum free world after some
odd decades later, meanwhile intentionally forcing millions to live in
squatters and unorganized colonies by not making simple and easy to understand
guidelines and relaxed bylaws, utilizing whatever minimal resources and
materials are at hand. Caught in the centuries of dilemma of idealism Vs
realism! Since these limited human interventions with limited skilled manpower
supply haven’t been able to solve this world habitation scarcity and
architectural indiscipline, may be its time we should look out somewhere else
to fulfill world habitat needs - may be towards machines may be computers!
You might also like to read another post:
What planners of urban environment can learn from online environment?
Urban and Regional Planning,
Urban Design,
Urban Planning,
Urban Poor
Location: Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oct 27, 2013
Decoding secrets of good visuals - What makes some images and photographs stand out from the crowd
Some tips, tricks and subjects of images,
graphics and photographs which is bound to cast a spell
1) B&W background subject with semi-transparent
bright techno/pop color in foreground
2) Picture with range of depth and focus
3) Green appeal in innovative way
4) Lush rainy/moist green landscape in terra
5) Realistic corporate affair capturing the mood of
subject and vibes of business minus ( - ) plastic smiles
6) Simple things in perspective view
7) Pattern or geometry unseen before
8) A well framed shot of pets or wildlife with
serious engaging looks
9) Capturing Interactive and playful pets
10) Green appeal in innovative way
11) Bird’s eye view of Rooftop innovation
12) Well framed commercial subject
13) Black & Yellow Composition
14) A well framed worm’s eye view of skyscraper or
anything towering
15) Caves or any undulating interior, lit with
bright morning sun displaying excellent interplay of light and shadow
16) Translucent colored containers
17) Hand drawn-water color effect in this era of 3D
18) Morning sun rays filtered through simply
19) Innumerable colorful interplay of sunlight and
cloud at dawn, dusk further accentuated if captured in hills
20) Laughing giggling girls
21) Asymmetrically captured frame of symmetrical
building or symmetrical something
22) Translucent building glowing from inside -
filtered hint of colors further acts as charm
23) White doodle on black background, call it old
school blackboard nostalgia or whatever!
24) Futuristic ambiance and setting seemingly within
reach in near future, not just another fancy unreachable idiosyncrasy
25) Anything overwhelmingly luxurious and classic
specially interiors
More to come….
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Oct 22, 2013
Check out new Blog Page dedicated to World Education
Educ@ti.ON - Rethinking Education for a "lightened up world"!!
Click on image to go to page-
Visit Page at following Link:
More Coming....
Oct 6, 2013
Why architectural clients should be more demanding today?
Need of "Creative
demand" and false in-vogue benchmark of "what is good!"
In a time of century when you should be asking for interactive customizable
digital walls for your indoors as a client you are still busy choosing wall
colors and wallpaper patterns, in a time when you should be demanding multiple
mood lighting possibilities for your every room you are apparently happy and content with your stylish off-the-shelf chandelier and much propagated energy saving CFL lighting fixtures, when you should be asking your architect what
kind of living experience he or she is envisaging and designing for your home,
you are busy asking what would be the effective sqft area of your house, when
you should be deliberating about multi-tier security system for your hard
earned asset called home, you are busy choosing stylish looks of your
door knob, when you should be looking for indoor ambiance inspired by your sun-sign,
you leave this design choice to the idiosyncrasy of architect after little
deliberation, who will now design "your" house inspired by his or her
"own" sun sign traits - if you believe in such thing called sun sign! And there are ample other examples which demonstrate you are more or less content will "Less" when it comes to Architecture for your home.
do demand as an architectural client but mostly in a wrong direction. And you
know, you only get what you ask for. You
really need to channelize your demands towards design, ambiance, technology
integration, customization and personalization and to the little architectural
elements which is going to make your life better and effortless at home. All you
need to do is to be little more creative in your demand. Also you need to shed
this notion that “popular is good”, that’s not the case when it comes to
architecture because you as an individual or a group of family might have a
totally different needs and aesthetic perception than your friends, or neighbor
or that guy with million dollar Mansion, so your house need not necessarily be
exactly like others no matter how tempting those options are.
You see, if you are of this opinion that insisting your architect for your favorite pink or blue color for your living room wall makes you a good client, then you need to take a look way back to realise that those cave men were more creative for their homes, decorating their caves with such amazing cave paintings or drawings, even after thousands of years later you are still struggling to decorate your living room wall with pink or blue or some painting of great artist! Have you really evolved in this large span of time or are you repeating the same old story in some way or other. That full clad digital living room wall which you can color customize everyday or on which you can write your daily to-do-list or which can remind you of unpaid bills in a flash or where you can leave a message for your loved ones while leaving home is just an example to make your realise that there are no boundaries which defines and restricts architecture or interior design.
The best part is that architects like challenges, so if you demand "more" as a client in terms of stretching the possibilities of design and innovation, they would be more than happy to help you and probably will give you something many shades better than your expectations, all you have to do is to be little more creative in your demand.
Alternative Energy,
Best Author,
Green Architecture,
Integrated Infrastructure,
Public Policy,
Location: Netherlands
Sep 28, 2013
15 things I learned in 10 minutes about photography - Flipping through a reputed travel guide book
Amazing revelations about
1) It’s not just about Iconic structures or monuments it’s about capturing their interaction with the people
2) If you are capturing a lively street,
capturing an element of motion is a must (people, car etc.)
3) When capturing sculptures or carved
details in the open sun, wait for the right time of the day for the perfect shadow
which accentuates the dimension and details of subject
4) Capture the clouds in the background
(particularly at dusk ) and half the job is done
5) Capture water fountain in the foreground and half the
job is done
6) Capture someone capturing others (seems
a cheap trick though)
7) If you capture street dining you must
capture some element of service - something being served or by someone who is
serving the thing
8) If capturing museum or exhibition
you must capture the chemistry between the exhibit and spectator, capture someone
quite still and who is trying to understand and appreciate the meaning of exhibit
9) Capturing the public spaces,
capture the people and their behavior at the very intersection of daylight and shadows (it naturally
captures the human dilemma of judgment whether to go out in open sun on stay in
the shadow)
10) When capturing motion you must have
something static for reference, but for best results “that static one” has to
be the one of the vary things which are moving (people, car etc.)
11) Capture a glass building at dusk at the very
moment when it gets illuminated in the evening while it is partially illuminated
from outside as well from setting sun
12) There is at least one definite
location from where the famous sculpture or display (or structure) looks
perfect (and usually it’s the most abused one as well, since whole world seems to
capture the shot from the same point)
13) When taking a shot of any high end
restaurant dining scene, don’t just
capture the food and luxury, and candlelight, you need to capture the people
having supper, with their interactions
and their exaggerated animated expressions
14) When in vegetable market capturing a vendor
interacting with customer, a price list smudged with chalk or otherwise in the
backdrop is must.
15) Shop display window + scripted shop name
typo + passer by = classic shot without fail
series of interesting observations will be part of upcoming posts, Join me on twitter @urbanoregional for updates. Your view and experiences are most
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Sep 25, 2013
What does growth cycle of design industry looks like?
Design industry follows a repetitive elliptical
growth path.
More than say 90 percent of designers still use direct or derivatives of primitive or rather eternal geometrical building blocks as raw material- shapes and surfaces, like circle, triangle, square, prism, hyperbole etc. and remaining 10 percent relentlessly trying to unearth some divine pattern or previously unseen building blocks or magic design elements, anxiously looking here and there for some clue, looking into microscope, looking up to nature, science, nano technology, microbiology, history or mythology or whatever or simply resorting to hallucinated inspiration, so that some divine "never before design element" descends upon them out of luck, while still acknowledging that those basic geometric building blocks like triangle and circles are not going to go away anywhere soon, probably never.
when majority of fundamental design elements have remained exactly the same
throughout the evolution of design industry, this industry is bound to follow a
recurring path starting from basics, evolving on the way through innovation,
reaching to maturity, taking an inspirational U-Turn and finally going back to
its roots, from where it all started. Apparently a perfect circle of growth;
but it goes further, we haven’t talked about technology yet, this ever evolving
technology provides designers even bigger opportunities, with new materials,
new textures, enhance durability and elasticity, new colors, new opacity newer viscosity
and so on, which helps prolong this period of growth cycle pushing this
circular trajectory to follow an even larger elliptical path, finally going
back to its roots just to be born again.
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City Planning,
Data visualisation,
growth model,
Tour Plan,
Location: Netherlands
Sep 10, 2013
City’s problem isn't congestion; problem is the way we approach to solve the congestion!
of city's problems can be solved by simply restructuring policies, but physical
infrastructure is more lucrative an option for many.
can pump millions of dollars in augmenting and upgrading city infrastructure,
of course you should, but city in its functionality will still remain a mess
and increasingly convoluted unless you pause and think that what has been wrong
with our planning approach, why it is that our planning solutions always seem
to lag far behind the pace of growth, is it revenue constraints? No! Is it land
constraint? No! It is nothing but common sense deficit. It’s simple, if it
doesn’t work go back to the drawing board, put you approach up-side-down or
whatever, something different need to be introduced; at least as an experiment.
conventional planning approach borrowed from industrial age has remained more or
less the same since decades, that is to put it crudely "Planning means
addition", more people - let’s make more housing, more congestion - let’s
make more flyovers, more heat let’s put more air conditioners and so on.
Buildinganother affordable housing is not a problem but it’s also not the solution.
Building another flyover will of course ease the traffic for sometime but it is
also not the solution which cities are looking for. The single largest criteria
of a livable city can be effortlessness of any city, but effort seems to be the
mandate of our city life.
Have we ever considered why such sheer number of people are heading to metropolis in the first place apart from recreational purposes, it’s not because metropolis provide better employment opportunities, it’s because we simply fail to provide livelihood opportunity in small towns and villages. Can we suggest something to calm down this vary pace of regional population flux, instead of simply focusing on making another housing colony here in every metropolis, can we propose something which will help people earn their livelihood in the place of their choice not only in the place where they often come to struggle and survive.
Have we ever considered why such sheer number of people are heading to metropolis in the first place apart from recreational purposes, it’s not because metropolis provide better employment opportunities, it’s because we simply fail to provide livelihood opportunity in small towns and villages. Can we suggest something to calm down this vary pace of regional population flux, instead of simply focusing on making another housing colony here in every metropolis, can we propose something which will help people earn their livelihood in the place of their choice not only in the place where they often come to struggle and survive.
we ever considered before making another flyover that why so many people and
car out there on the roads in the first place, is it really necessary in this
so called wired era for every single individual to commute to work to
accomplish a job, is it that being physically present at a specified location
every work weekday is of such monumental importance in a time of century were
everyone claim to be virtually connected to everyone and having access to the
resources of whole world on their finger tip. Considering this can we suggest
something to reduce the very need or frequency of people to come to streets,
people who commute to work 5-6 days a week or 24 to 40 hour a week.
Why people have to waste a substantial portion of their productive lifetime commuting on city roads or tracks, commuting long hours to work mostly doing nothing, may be listening to music or playing video game on their tab, why to commute to work unless they work in a factory like production environment.
Why people have to waste a substantial portion of their productive lifetime commuting on city roads or tracks, commuting long hours to work mostly doing nothing, may be listening to music or playing video game on their tab, why to commute to work unless they work in a factory like production environment.
see we are so caught up in the debate of public transport vs. private transit
vs. walkability that no one is willing to ask this fundamental question why
does every one of you have to commute almost every day for the purpose of work
choking almost every street of city, why have we created such system or
business environment or society in general. We simply can’t seem to think of
any other possibility than expanding infrastructure trying to meet the pressure
of self imposed need of commuting for work.
travelling through private or public transport or walking to work, it’s still a
waste of precious time, energy and resources. Can you even imaging the lost
opportunity cost of millions of people spending several hours commuting to
work-home-work almost every day of their productive like. After decades of
industrialization is it still so important even today for 200 employees of a
random organization to agglomerate everyday at a specific place called office
at a specific time to accomplish some work, majority of which can be done from
anywhere in the world, majority of which on majority of days does not
fundamentally demand physical presence of worker or employee in office. Can’t
we instead of simply expanding the city and transport network think of reducing
the number and frequency of trip to work? Can’t we think of increasing the
share of recreational trip and reducing the work trip instead of aggressively
focusing on increasing the share of public transport?
conventional additive approach of planning is a vicious cycle of inefficiency
perceived as virtuous cycle and promoted relentlessly without delving deep into
the roots of problem and without pausing and questioning the inertia of planning
process. Instead of this additive approach, a supplementary approach of
planning is needed for fostering and supporting equitable growth across the region,
and at the same time conventional planning wisdom which is dear to many, needto be questioned!
City Planning,
Pro poor,
Public Policy,
Transport Planning;,
Urban Design,
Urban Mobility,
Urban Poor,
Location: Netherlands
The Hague, Netherlands
Aug 30, 2013
Let me show you the true artist in you!
No art is as inclusive as fine arts or call it whatever.
It seems every single person is born with artistic talent specifically more pronounce and visible in the field of fine arts, abstract art or call it whatever, an artist even in you, whether you consider yourself an artist or not that is irrelevant, proof is your childhood notebook filled with weird characters drawn by you and spoiled pages of your dad's diary and all the tattoo that you made on your hand, graffiti on your school desk and crayon spoiled walls of your house where you spent your childhood days and that creative surge when you were staring at the damp basement or loo walls trying to infer some meaning out of those grunge damp patterns, or even today if you occasionally tend to draw a smiley face on moist, dew clad surface and so on. Every adult was an artist in his or her childhood so they are today, so are you.
Every child with his or her genuine creativity, making and living their own dreams in their sketchbook or on wall, vivid and real in their own imagination, a spell-bounding piece of rawness with bit of influence from surrounding, and we are not talking about all the art and craft assignments forced by educational curriculum and competition, those are plastic, manipulated, and imposed, threatening and robbing the very creative rawness of child. We are not talking about biased aesthetic judgement here. We are talking here for example the child's own interpretation of how round a sun should be or how round his dexterity allows him to draw it, not the Vinchi style geometric perfectness of circle which we tend to impose on them. Since art being essentially a true expression of self does not necessarily demands shape of circle to be a perfect circle so it really doesn't matter how well you used to draw a circle to qualify as an artist in your childhood, and since art is beyond the clutch of time so if you draw the similar weird circle today when you are grown up it is still an art and so you are an artist. Another reason is that if making a perfect circle is a qualification criteria for an artist than our computer or tab can do that job better than our master artist.
So acknowledging the truth of your own childhood talent now you can appreciate the works of kids around better. Not judging them on their perfectness but admiring them for their innocence. You see these kids will grow up one day and change the very definition of understanding of what an art should be. After all its art if you can prove it.
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You might also like to read this post on "design diplomacy"
Aug 4, 2013
There used to be character and stories associated with every city street in good old time!
Contemporary Déjà vu streets - the price of mechanization, optimization and efficiency.
Though green, well groomed, with cool informative signage and everything in place, contemporary city streets lack something, possibly lack of identity, lack of character may be! Every street looks the same more or less, you see from streets of your housing society to the neighborhood to city arteries, apart from little exceptions of some filth some beautification. What has gone wrong with the planners, landscape architects and urban designers today. You should first visualize the impactful streets of historic cities and meandering streets of untouched villages and then have a look at today's super functional streets, speed corridors rather, these are impressive indeed with all its robustness, but these are not impactful, at all, not something leaving lasting impression on our mind, not something to be remembered, not something to be praised by our future generations. Functional but industrial. Templates of supposedly best practices. But we forget that best practices lose their significance the moment we start, duplicating, imposing and transposing them. some of the mass public housing are the best example of how best practices can go wrong.
Is it that there is no incentive left today at all to plan or design a street with character, is it that cities, public administrations and private clients lack fund (a myth) or we are robbed of imagination, is it that there are some big loopholes and ambiguity in the planning and design guidelines giving planners and designers an excuse not to be creative, is it that we have become so much efficiency oriented that we forgot we are not machines, is it that land is so scarce (a myth again) that we cant afford to have luxury of building streets with a memorable character, is it that after reading all those wonderful street characteristics in school we finally resort to the super efficient mechanized street templates, has it something to do with our optimized geometric city grid and complex infrastructure requirements, is it our drafting software to blame which has almost replaced our dear drawing boards, is it that scope of creativity is increasing being confined to the pedestrian and bicycle streets only, is it that urban designers role has been limited to the extent mentioned in their design guide book which either don't exist or is too vague for the cities of developing countries or too standardized for developed country? You see those bizarre public sculptures and momentous in the streets at places, those are nothing but helpless reactions of creative urban souls who are not being able to create a place called street in the way it should be, due to much propagated and regularized contemporary templates of streets.
Can we dare to show some creativity amidst this long list of incentives and loopholes for "not to be creative". Can we as a planner, urban designers and landscape experts show them our humane side keeping cities monetary limitations (A myth) aside for a while. Can we design a street with an innate quality of "place" where you would often want to spend your time or something which you would like to appreciate while you driving back home?
Jul 30, 2013
Conserving inherited heritage - an urgent challenge!
Need of a micro conservation policy.
We let our inherited ancestral heritage decay, gathering dust and slowly fading away in the oblivion, inheritance sometimes tangible like that beautiful gramophone, that antique classic chair, that vintage album of family photograph or that intricately carved wooden window of ancestral home somewhere in suburb, inheritance at times even intangible like values, culture, stories and learning, family heritage dilapidated usually due to ambiguous responsibility among siblings, lack of time, lack of alacrity and most importantly in absence of micro conservation mechanism, because we feel disoriented and helpless in absence of such mechanism, a guideline, a supportive hand saying "let me help you conserve your family heritage because we know how important it is for you, and equally important for our nation, because these little inherited objects, antiques, collectibles, vintage photographs, values, stories, prose, poetry, proverbs, lessons, and so on make the larger heritage pool of historical cultural and social importance. You can call it “crowd sourcing of heritage” which subsequently contributing to nation's image building, while maintaining a stock of inheritance.
This micro conservation mechanism should be prepared by government because heritage even individually possessed is something of national value and something to be proud of and something which should be preserved and documented immediately for the future generation. These family heritage need not necessarily be kept in museum just because it’s of national significance, we can rather let them be with those families and individuals who inherited them, but we must make an effort to help them conserve it, governments role can be as a facilitator, trainer, protector, documenter, providing manpower and finance to restore protect and document every piece of family heritage without getting into affairs of taxation and legality, with sole focus of preservation and documentation of objects of historical importance whether for individuals or for nation, documenting design, motifs, techniques, skill set, learning, stories etc. which are going to corrode and disappear in thin air otherwise!
Disaster Management,
downstream befits,
growth model,
Transport Planning,
Urban Design,
Urban Planning
Location: Netherlands
Jul 26, 2013
Interdisciplinary Exploration & Randomness - key to the next big wave of knowledge
this notion of specialized segmented knowledge which is hindering the next big
phenomenon of world knowledge!
often see people walking with an air of expertise in certain field of knowledge,
they are experts of course no doubt, but the moment you talk about some fairly distant
subject, they will say oh that's wonderful but you know that’s not my area of
expertise or interest. That’s how we are, stubborn, rigid, and insensitive
toward new knowledge, that’s how we have been taught, trained to become a
doctor or an engineer or scientist or another specialist soul. A much propagated
outcome of intellectual segmentation through insensitive education, teaching
designed to produce another of many cogs in the wheel i.e. teaching only to the
extent which will suffice a day job requirement and a reasonable income. Though
they have various subjects incorporated in the curriculum they are still
missing a vital point which we are going to see.
say Look Mr. "A" you are a doctor, you are not supposed to get into
social science, Listen Mr. “B” you are an engineer, you are not supposed to
trespass into the field of philosophy, Hey Mr. “C” you are not a physicist so
mind your own business of architecture and You Ms. “D for dancer” microbiology
is not going to fetch you bread and butter so you better concentrate on
different dance forms which we have already listed in Wikipedia. That the
languages we understand and appreciate today, this vary language which is
hindering the next wave of knowledge! A next wave of knowledge is long due for
mankind which is something beyond currently much popular data-mining, analytics
and big-data.
see a glimpse of what this next mutation of knowledge might look like, Mr.
Doctor “A” getting into social science finding out that size of family has
something to do with survival rate of patient. Mr. Engineer “B” has this sudden
realization while trespassing into the area of philosophy that people need
products which touches their soul and fulfill their spiritual needs not
something which just touches heart and fulfills their materialistic hunger, the
Architect Mr. “C” delving into physics and mathematics realizes that his
flowery concepts of design aesthetics can have more scientific and lucid explanation
and meaning through quantum physics and topology. Ms. Dancer is
enlightened to see the colorful oscillating Nano world through the eyes of
microscope and now trying to mimic the oscillating dynamism and moves of cells
and microbes and so on!
education system is missing out this very basic purpose of learning, their
focus is to let the kids memorize the books so that they have a basic knowledge
of different field, so that he or she can choose one of his or her subject of
interest later on and succeed in their life in the chosen direction. But
learning process has to be driven by Curiosity and Absorption rather than Memorizing
everything or not at early stage of life is irrelevant, what is important here
is to plant this seed of curiosity in each child so that they keep exploring
and dare to go beyond their chosen comfort subject exploring vast possibilities
in later part of life when their education is over, learning when they are
grown up in the most productive and receptive period of life, when they are
capable to explore, absorb and learn at an unprecedented speed.
Alternative Energy,
Best Book,
Disaster Management,
Public Policy,
Public Private Partnership,
Urban and Regional Planning,
Urban Art,
Urban Planning,
Urban Poor
Location: Netherlands
Jul 14, 2013
Some kids don't play Soccer and possibly will never play Golf, why so?
Sometimes one feels that sports is more about opportunities and affordability!
Usually Kids from humble socioeconomic background seems to be happy and content with their primitive sports, which does not need any sports gear or tool or gadget or training or coach and so on.
Has it anything to do with the limited opportunities they get and their sparse economic condition?

Usually Kids from humble socioeconomic background seems to be happy and content with their primitive sports, which does not need any sports gear or tool or gadget or training or coach and so on.
Has it anything to do with the limited opportunities they get and their sparse economic condition?

May 12, 2013
If "Law of Physics" is working in your piece of Art or Architecture...
..then you know you are going in the right direction!
From Wonderful Classical Art to Good Design to Amazing Architecture, one thing is common that is "Law of Physics" which is and should be ever-present there to make it a success. If Gravity is acting on you, it can and should act on your Piece of Art or Architecture as well. Though Gravity is just a simple example here to explain the impact of Physics on Art or Architecture.
A page from the old Notebook
Art without true reflection of natural physical laws is like making a portrait of someone sitting in front of you and assuming that there is no force of gravity acting on your subject of art or may be your subject is floating in the air or something. Remember the good old classical art works from master artists, with beautiful bulky art subjects of individual or group portraits?
There is another way to look at it as well, that is; you can also make a successful art or architecture by beating the gravity or natural laws itself, like an architectural work having an appearance of floating in the air. No matter what, a good design revolves around the law of physics whether going with it or challenging the Natural Laws, Laws of Physics!
There is another way to look at it as well, that is; you can also make a successful art or architecture by beating the gravity or natural laws itself, like an architectural work having an appearance of floating in the air. No matter what, a good design revolves around the law of physics whether going with it or challenging the Natural Laws, Laws of Physics!
Apr 7, 2013
Do you consider marketability of your design based on color demand?
Something they didn't tell you in Design school!

Something like this.....
- If they are looking for "Red" Give them "Red"! Even if you personally like purple or yellow.
- Red color product will have way higher mass demand than Purple one, no matter what the product is or how well the product has been designed.
- The only place were you can sell purple color product is in the niche market, while red and blue captures both niche and mass market.
- The only way you can make profit selling purple color product is by targeting high end segment with higher margin.
- Its okay to be emotional about your product and defensive about your design, but you need to listen to market aspirations first and modify your design as per demand, even if that requires keeping your ego aside.
- If you haven't shipped it, it really doesn't matter how cool your design values are.
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