Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts

Jun 19, 2012

Disposal on the go - For a cleaner city you deserve.

Disposal at the source of generation- Case of Travel generated waste!!

Environmentally responsible
waste management 
Some of us occasionally of habitually buy and carry a plastic pack of chips, a paper wrapped snack, a can of coke, a bottle of juice, a paper mug of coffee, fruits and so on in our car or other vehicles while traveling in city, and disposing those paper, plastic, metal or organic residues in a responsible ways becomes an issue. Depending on the Education level, economic exposure, existence of local transport and environment laws, pro activeness of implementation measures, people’s behavior vary in a cityscape across the region, across the cities of world. Even within a particular city people show different level of responsible behavior depending on economic profile of zone, surveillance and enforcement level.

In many cities of developing countries people tend to pollute the city roads and transit routes by dumping such food waste and byproducts from their vehicle irrespective of occupants education and economic level even in presence of such laws to prevent them, due to lack of willingness to keep their cities clean or lack of enforcement measures or absence of sensible waste disposal infrastructure. Garbage bins if provided are either so scarce in numbers, so inaccessibly located, are in utter unhygienic conditions, surrounded by mounds of open dumped waste, either overflowing of underutilized, that people even if they make up their mind to act in environmentally responsible ways they immediately lose their interest to do so.

In this particular kind of waste generation scenario which emerges on the go should have a “disposal mechanism on the go” itself. Garbage generated within vehicle should be disposed off from vehicle only at pre-identified locations, why to carry it everywhere you go, why to keep garbage in your car just because you couldn’t get the time for weeks to dispose it off on foot to some disposal bin located somewhere. Why not to stop them throwing garbage on road by providing them hygienic garbage bins approachable from within the car along the transit routes, at places where traffic is bound to be slow, somewhere near toll plaza ticket counter, somewhere near the parking entrance, in some of dedicated service lanes of the city etc. 

Jun 7, 2012

Need for instant settlement mechanism and policy for minor road incidents.

For a safer city

Nature of most of minor traffic accidents which involves two or more than two parties is such that damage is caused less due to the incident but more due to post incident rage, argument and settlement process. And unfortunately people are left to settle the issue on their own in lack of immediate settlement and relief mechanism when the incident occurs. Irony is that insurance provision is there for major damages of life and assets due to accident but no immediate functional rescue and settlement system with an agreed token amount/ repair coupon system etc. for minor accidents involving two or more parties which leads to road rage and is much frequent and growing phenomenon in many developing countries.

It’s high time that government need to intervene and come up with a policy which is acceptable to majority of transport community and common man to deal with issues of road rage. Government in consultation with insurance providers, enforcement agencies and community should prepare a full-fledged compulsory instant settlement mechanism and policy which should work even in absence of law enforcement personals, for minor road incidents  involving low damage to asset and no damage to life, incidents like scratch on car body, vehicle being hit by other vehicle with minimal damage, thing like that which can lead to small to major road rage incidents. A scheme which help neutralise the anger and argument between two or more involved parties, leaving them with a win win situation. Some strategies can be like making compulsory blanket third party insurance system for even minor road incidents with focus on on-the-spot monetary settlement or agreement in addition to the said policy.

Apr 15, 2012

Top 100 books of Housing

More coming....

Note: These Books are randomly chosen from an online digital database and has been arranged / composed randomly as well. These ranking are solely as per general judgment of blog author based on visual graphic appeal of book and title catchwords and these ranking does not represent any ranking in literary,  technical or any other sense.  This is only an effort to provide interested users and book lovers, a collection of relevant books and literature at one consolidated place for their ready reference. Further details of individual books are linked to the images. This note is in addition to the disclaimer section of this blog.