Showing posts with label Eindhoven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eindhoven. Show all posts

Mar 30, 2023

What AI might have to do with anthropology, culture or linguistics?

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


AI certainly gives us a reason to cherish and leverage history, tradition and culture. It empowers us and generation to come, to instantly connect to roots and increasingly getting the grip of lost anthropological and cultural context. You not necessarily have to visit museum, or open encyclopaedia or search in gazette documents, to trace and learn about tradition and once thriving culture, as AI comes to rescue.

Why its important? Because, in very short span of time we observe how our language changes, once common words disappear from our lingo, once commonplace household items disappear from our day to day life, once common cultural practices disappear from modern lifestyle.

Not necessarily one must continue to use certain elements, items, or practices from past; as relevance, context and validity of some of those may remain futile or sometimes questionable. But what may be of interest here is the immense knowledge and several practices from past which AI makes more accessible. Also, making world of knowledge a more equitable playfield.

For instance, drawing inspirations from past culture and tradition has became much more easier for those in creative fields - designers, multiple forms of media creators, artists etc.

Also, finding the root cause and mapping certain geographic and cultural behaviour and traits have become more accessible for those on cultural exploration and for business communities, where personalised experience, products and services have become key to success. Ease and timely access to such wealth of historic quantitative and qualitative information may also help city planners, urban designers and architects to provide more humane solutions and urban fabric, that corresponds to aspirations of local community.

Most importantly, making a rational decisions might have become easier considering Open AI and alike gives quick insight based on a large body of work (including text from deep in past, and referring to texts from left, right and centre perspective), hence providing us with a additional validated input, to base our decisions on. Acknowledging that personal opinion, undocumented knowledge (to which AI might not have access to) and intuitions, may still continue to play a key role in decision making in near future, at individual and Institutional level.

Author: Anoop Jha

[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#technology #AI #Chatgpt #openAI #anthropology #urbanmanagement #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Mar 19, 2023

What may be missing in the way we plan and discuss cities?

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


Taking example of a street

Lets see the possible levels of articulation of urban streets, in increasing order of sensitivity/ relevance. It is noteworthy that city administration in different parts of world simetimes choose to stop at any given stage of sensitivity depending on their statutory mandate, resource and motivation.

1. Basic street or road design, that can simply be achieved by adhering to standard engineering practices (dry, wet underground/ surface utility), following road design code book, following landuse regulations, and following design standards for different hierarchy of roads. Above is mostly possible without traffic modelling, without bespoke landscape design input and even in absence of urban design guideline.

2. Further, a good street design can be considered one that takes traffic modelling into consideration. Street that has urban design guideline in place and follows streetscape guidelines, also one that utilises tailored landscape, street art, street activation etc.

3. A better street design is possibly one that follows emerging good practices of low impact development, blue-green infrastructure design principles, urban heat island mitigation measures, rewilding, wind flow and shadow analysis etc.

4. Even better street design is the one that takes context into consideration i.e., adjoining laduse typology based activity intensity, local community needs, user ability and comfort, recreational needs, prioritization of road users including hierarchy of transit modes, adapting activity over the day.

5. Also those streets that considers, safe way to school, vision zero, disaster preparedness etc.

6. Then there are those streets which consider reclaiming rights of certain types of users (sometimes bottom up and radical),

7. Further there are those streets which are adapting itself to autonomous and EV transit regime, predictive monitoring, IOT based experience, AI algorithm, VR utilities, and ground for ML,

8. Also there are those which just started to consider following elements in street design, like psychological impact of street on different demography, perception by cultural groups, adapting streets to different demographic traits (age, gender), equity etc.

9. Then also those streets which may be adapted to requirements of wider spectrum of special needs and aspirations of previously subdued and unrecongnised social strata.

Realising the complexity and granularity that may exist in design of a street (and cities in general), seems that the current narrative, discourse and debate on street (and cities), still remains quite fragmented. A broader outlook and comprehensive approach may help plan better.

Author: Anoop Jha

[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#urbanplanning #urbandevelopment #urbanmanagement #urbandesign #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

What could be the barometer to know if a city is doing well?

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


You may be able to figure out if a city or even country is doing somewhat well for community and visitors alike, by observing or experiencing some of following traits.

If you are feeling safe at all time of the day and night in a city. That may mean, your anxiousness doesn't increases (as a function of safety perception) as the night approaches. That is possible when you know there is next bus, tram, metro or train to make sure you reach your eventual destination, and if you could remain assured, that you can be rescued from an unsafe or unwarranted situation.

If you are still able to make sense of place any hour of day and night. That may mean, you are able to orient yourself in space and time throughout the day and night, at any location within city. That is possible when space is easily legible and well illuminated, for you to spatially position yourself in any part of city.

Making city work well is a constant quest for city administrations, urban planners, researchers and many. Targeting above may be a good starting point for any city, as there is always scope of making things good to better and more.

Author: Anoop Jha

[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#urbanplanning #urbandevelopment #urbanmanagement #urbandesign #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Eindhoven #Rotterdam

Mar 13, 2023

How cities may use modular concepts to maximise efficiency, ease and circularity

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


Resource constraint, material scarcity, frequent maintenance needs and multiplicity of stakeholders, require “modularity” to be adopted as “a uniform conceptual model” and a “universal language” for spatial development, urban management and O&M.

Modular by design:

Modularity by design permits infrastructure and built environment to be easily expandable, scalable and replicable. We see application of modular design concepts starting from modular pavement tiles, to modular water and waste water treatment plants, to modular housing units, to modular land and zoning parcels.

While there is already increasing standardisation in terms of industry supplied components (product level); there is still room for modularity in terms of i) creativity (currently limited to individual projects), ii) open-source environment (currently there is asymmetry of information) and iii) statutory obligation (currently it remains mostly optional/ a choice).

Modular for interoperability:

Modularity in terms of interoperability makes built environment components to be easily replaceable and interchangeable. We see the concept in action mostly in terms of maintenance where, “more the level of modularity, faster the maintenance process” (replacing/ swapping of components) e.g.

There is still enough scope for interoperability in terms of modular concept within the built environment, which means built environment increasingly to be designed with replaceable/ swappable components, so that the output of maintenance work should not compromise the integrity of built environment and doesn’t remain just a makeshift arrangement, patchwork or eyesore.

Modular for operations:

Modularity for operations offers agility, elasticity and adjustability. For instance, level of urban services delivery that corresponds to fluctuating daily, diurnal and seasonal demand (adjustment of transport services, traffic regulation, power load management etc).

There is still room for agility in terms of modular operation like system at built environment level that may go to hibernation when not in use (Sensors/ automation/ IBMS), real-time readaptation of spaces (temporal and temporary usage), real-time spatial concertation/ relocation of services matching demand (interoperable office or commercial space/ resource/ energy management based on real-time demand).

Modularity for cognition:

We see modularity in terms of cognition at city scale, like urban way finding signages with a common theme and scheme across city which makes it easier to navigate. As our brain reduces information to smaller, familiar and recognisable modules (symbols, patterns) for easy processing, same is true for city scale modularity in terms of cognitive processing.

Author: Anoop Jha

Image source: Author

[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#modular #modulardesign #urbanplanning #builtenvironment #urbandesign #circulareconomy #Netherlands #DenHaag #Hague #Amsterdam #Rotterdam #Leiden #Delft #Eindhoven 

Mar 12, 2023

Possible means to expedite circular practices in building construction industry

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


Following may be the possible means to expedite circular practices in building construction industry

On job training:

Urgency of transitioning to circular economy practices is such that, construction industry can’t really wait for handful of new circular experts to graduate in coming decades in the business-as-usual case. For 100X or more increase in skilled manpower in next five years, civil and structural engineers, architects and draftsman are expected to go through on-job training and have a hands-on learning experience through trial and error on real circular building and construction cases, in an experimentative environment, permitted by client.

Removing bidding barrier:

For 10X to 100X participation, both public and private clients are expected to reduce the barrier for new entrants in circular construction business, by allowing firms having no prior demonstrated case of circular building, showing trust in professional competency of architectural firms while keeping some extra time cushion for learning curve. This is possible if client and firm both aspire to adopt and transition to circular economy practices in their vision. Means to delivering circular projects can always be worked out by professionals without compromising on integrity of building structure and aesthetics.

Software patch:

For exponential diffusion and 100X to 1000X adoption of circular architectural practices the most popular and widespread architectural, structural and simulation software like AutoCAD, Revit, Sketch Up, Bentley, 3DMax, Lumion etc. may require to give a huge circular patch upgrade to their software (including software commands and effects, circular element template and 3D library/ warehouse) and training material/ programme, allowing for on-job-learning and training. Construction industry can’t simply rely on new workforce trained (only) on new/ yet to emerge circular architecture/ structure software for its circular transition.

From junk to vintage:

There is a fine line between what is discarded as junk and what is embraced as vintage, creative industry, academia and mass media can always help wider diffusion and faster adoption of harvested material in new building.

Biomass and bio-based industry working together:

As they compete for same biomass-rich feed/ raw material; construction industry must work hand in hand with biomass energy players, to divert biomass for their first usage in construction industry before getting converted into energy.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#circulareconomy #circulartransition #construction #architecture #BIM #Netherlands #DenHaag #Hague #Amsterdam #Rotterdam #Leiden #Delft #Eindhoven #dcarbonise #climatechange #urbanplanning #builtenvironment

Mar 5, 2023

Effective use of vacant real estate inventory and land use interoperability as an innovative shared economy model.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

The ~2.5% to ~25% of vacancy rate witnessed across world in range of real estate inventories including residential, to offices, to commercial, to hospitality, suggests to have a new business and governance model and calls for emergence of a niche "integrator sector", that is as impactful as real estate and as efficient as shared mobility sector. We see algorithm at work when cab services, rideshare or MaaS make use of technology to match demand and supply to maximise the use of inventory, there is no reason why same logic can’t be applied in the real estate inventory case, except for the self imposed, static and limiting regulations of land use. Making effective use of this last quarter vacant inventory may prove to be the one missing piece of puzzle towards sustainable use of resources and circular economy. Need of this new integrator sector or functionality, either private or public, emerges as traditionally fragmented sectors of real estate and hospitality has been unable to fill this last mile vacancy gap.

Another missing piece of puzzle is the short to medium term interoperability of land use. That basically means, residential demand (rental, student housing etc.) is not necessarily to be fulfilled only by residential land use but may possibly be served by vacant office or commercial spaces as well and visa versa, that further implies revisiting and reinventing the structure, definition and statutory construct of land use, which may choose to allow room for swift, smooth and temporary interoperability i.e. near real time to quick on demand land use changes, which theoretically seems plausible. Land use here may mean a unit, to floor, to facility to altogether a neighbourhood. The only actual time lag that is there, is the time required for remodeling one land use space to another purpose, contractual and operational arrangements. There are great examples across the world where horizontal or vertical or mosaic mixed use spaces coexist in harmony.

What is required, is to have a centralised real-time stock of vacant inventories, stock of upcoming availability based on contract tenure and predicted vacancy modelling, and need of one integrator or consortia of integrators managing same.

City administration individually or collectively at a city, metropolitan or regional level are technically most equipped to bridge this demand supply gap and to do the associated regulatory adjustments as required.

Hoping the next phase of urban digitalisation may be able to solve the puzzle, and reap the benefit of shared economy at urban built environment scale.

Presented as a universally applicable conceptual model.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#urbanplanning #realestate #smartcity #infrastructure #architecture #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Lieden #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands #circulareconomy

Cities in search of identity - why its a good idea and where to start from!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Cities as a dynamic entity are not regenerative or replenishing on its own, and the pressure on its infrastructure and resources tend to grow with time due to natural growth reasons. Which also means that left on continued business as usual track city may only last for couple of years until it may require a drastic overhaul to keep pace with new demands and new realities, hence the need of sustainability. Not just that, cities also require to prepare for future and unforeseen challenges like shocks, hence the need of agility and resilience.
Part of cities development is usually already guided by policy mandates form proactive regional and national authorities. Also fuelled by grants, funds and private investments and regular annual budget based on immediate priorities. This is not much different than business as usual case and even considering this scenario, cities may still struggle in long term.

What is noteworthy here is that if cities simply follow the blueprint of someone else, especially just follow top down policy mandates or statutory mandates, it may still do well technically, in terms of economy and operations, but may be at the risk of being an average or mediocre city.

That means cities and city administrations may require to think beyond mandates, to unlock its true potential and taking control of its own fate. This approach i.e. "having its own development plan and own identity" is driven from within, may be result of community based bottom up initiatives, political ambition, regional competitiveness, community ethos etc.

This self driven initiatives of city, in alignment with regional and national directives may be essential for a city to be resilient and distinctive, building on its distinct potential, unique strengths, characteristic resources, peculiar demographic compositions, unique historic and ecological context etc.
Such cities which may act on its own will and motivation, beyond the statutory mandates, are not just able to provide a better quality of life to its inhabitants, but also gain much deserved visibility, harness previously unimagined support, unexpected external aids and attract investments and skillsets like a magnet, while enjoying this new position.
All its takes is either a reinvented leadership or a sufficient build up of bottom-up initiatives or a score card or sometimes a setback.

This process of search for a new identity, for cities, may start with as basic catalyst as creation of a dedicated web portal or social media initiative by city administration, or inviting community members to town hall, or creation of a think tank, for community, professionals from different walks of life, businesses, industry and academia, to share their ideas.

Author: Anoop Jha 


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#smartcity #infrastructure #architecture #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Feb 23, 2023

Possible pathway for resilient public transportation system:

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


A resilient transportation system is one–

a) that is made of entire low capacity to high capacity public transportation system, and has such system under single apex governing entity, for better control, cross-subsidisation, and better access to fund due to critical mass (applicable in both mono and multi-stakeholder arrangement)

b) that includes even last mile connectivity in its project scope, offering matching service experience (often excluded and usually only limited to feasibility studies or sometime complemented with poor last mile fleet services)

c) which still plans for future growth and expansion even when battling with low ridership at any moment

d) mobilises sound instruments beyond transit infrastructure, rolling stock and fleet, like TOD, value capture, rail and metro station real estate lease, advertisement space lease, monetising experience etc.

e) which forms partnership with other forms of complimentary transportation service providers and competitions like app based cab service, rideshare, micromobility services, bicycle rental; especially for seamless connectivity, healthy mutually rewarding competition, and making use of anonymised data for passenger flow modelling, network analysis and empirical predictions

f) which has opted for digitalisation of governance and operations from customer centric services, to network management, to unified cashless ticketing system, to fleet management and tracking, to predictive maintenance, to fleet automation, to on-demand services

g) which focuses on customer service, customer acquisition and customer retention in all separate target age, gender and ability groups and creates channels to actively seek passenger and anonymous feedback

h) which has excellent online and offline information dissemination and audio-visual display system and hence can devise flexible network configuration and flexible coach configuration without disappointing customers, required to respond to fluctuating demand, many a times experienced due to seasonal and diurnal variation, route characteristics and force majeure event; required to stay financially afloat (system that not just focuses on expansion, but one that is able to sequester as well)

i) finally, public transportation system, which may consider to experiment with real time flexible ticket pricing based of fleet occupancy level using gamut of technological aids like sensors and analytical cameras.

Additional thoughts on real time pricing for public transport system can be found in my other Linkedin article here []

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


#publictransport #metro #tram #bus #transitionpathways #transportplanning #automation #technology #micromobility #bicycle #rideshare #fleetmanagement #networkanalysis #ret #ns #urbanplanning #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Denbosch #Alkmaar #Tilburg #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Feb 21, 2023

Live anywhere work anywhere city!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


(Old post 2019)

Proposed model for a pilot city, a district of experimentation, a living laboratory or a city retrofit suitable for a particular demography.

Majority of people leave ancestral home, hometown, current house or current city as higher education, work or financial situation demands, and they don't mind doing so. Also given an option majority of people wouldn't mind migrating from current home to an all equipped star category accommodation managed by hospitality brand as a practical decision. Above is evidence that people can live anywhere, they don't have to return from work to the same home or house number every evening, home can technically be omnipresent.

Now, especially after covid19 mass WFH and long range remote working phenomenon it's also indisputable that work place can be omnipresent as well. They don't have to go to same workplace every morning, they don't have to go to same office or same coworking space rather they can work from any coworking facility. This city will require a central warehousing of personal belongings from where required personal items can be delivered on demand and you will require an app to locate the nearest vacant workstation for the day and nearest available home to spend rest of the evening and night! 


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


Running out of urban value capture ideas? A little tweak will help!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Urban Planning and design can create some serious financial opportunities previously missed by urban local bodies and developers.

At planning and design stage itself decide a threshold unit real estate price for any given commercial (landuse) street; price which is applicable equally for properties on both sides of street. Now shift entire carriageway to some extent towards one side to make typical cross section of Road ROW asymmetrical, hence making more room for pedestrians, users and recreational space on one side of street compared to other. Effectively not only improvising overall public realm, streetscape and (hence footfall) of given street but also adding more footfall on one side of road which is having wider pedestrian realm. Now you should easily be able to charge substantially more per unit commercial real estate cost for that side of road having wider frontage and expecting higher footfall. Price of properties on other side of road remains same as original threshold as still reaping locational advantage.

Theoretically idea can expand to any landuse and to any part of city!

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile:


Feb 20, 2023

Essence of a true egalitarian city in actual and figurative sense.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

City is an embodiment of heterogeneity, a scintillation of aspirations and a crucible of democracy.

Metaphorically, a true egalitarian and utopian city will treat all it's inhabitants equitably, will provide abundant opportunity to everyone and will cherish indiscriminating spatial and build forms.

It's important question to ask here whether our current spatial and metaphorical dimension of city is egalitarian, unbiased, and equitable in true sense and built on values of democracy or it is still being built on edifice of aristocratic values as reflected in its built form, hierarchy and distribution of spaces in its struggle of power play. Is it that hierarchy and articulation of spaces as well as gradation, grandeur and power of built forms which help build image of city and which claims to celebrate the democracy are crushing the very egalitarian values itself.

From barbarian to kingdom to democratic set up, while social, political and economic structures have considerably changed over centuries and increasingly moving towards a flatter equitable world; structure and morphology of cities on the other hand unfortunately remained more or less unchanged; like capital complex replacing the castle, commercial and business district still occupying most prime zone and so on. Meanwhile lesser privileged and marginalized segment continued to made feel as dwarf in todays city as they used to feel in kingdom.

It is understood that all cities cannot follow a single template, but we must urgently think what could be model of a true egalitarian and utopian city where every citizen feels equally empowered.

To get a sense of what true egalitarian city may look like, government, planners and architects may try pushing capital complex to the fringe of city or making public buildings less imposing and less authoritative in its appeal or making low cost housing as a skyline and image of a city or making transit nodes at the core of high density lesser privileged neighborhoods where marginalised people walk to station and rich strata arrive using last mile transport mode or reserving most scenic and prime location of city for least privileged segment and public parks for example.

Traditions and philosophy of city planning, urban design and architectural built form needs to be revisited and some bold steps to be taken as a statement to make cities increasingly egalitarian in its reflection, functionality as well as in its spatial and built form.

Author: Anoop Jha 

#urbanplanning #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Denbosch #Alkmaar #Tilburg #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Possible pathway for resilient public transportation system:

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at

A resilient transportation system is one–

a) that is made of entire low capacity to high capacity public transportation system, and has such system under single apex governing entity, for better control, cross-subsidisation, and better access to fund due to critical mass (applicable in both mono and multi-stakeholder arrangement)

b) that includes even last mile connectivity in its project scope, offering matching service experience (often excluded and usually only limited to feasibility studies or sometime complemented with poor last mile fleet services)

c) which still plans for future growth and expansion even when battling with low ridership at any moment

d) mobilises sound instruments beyond transit infrastructure, rolling stock and fleet, like TOD, value capture, rail and metro station real estate lease, advertisement space lease, monetising experience etc.

e) which forms partnership with other forms of complimentary transportation service providers and competitions like app based cab service, rideshare, micromobility services, bicycle rental; especially for seamless connectivity, healthy mutually rewarding competition, and making use of anonymised data for passenger flow modelling, network analysis and empirical predictions

f) which has opted for digitalisation of governance and operations from customer centric services, network management to, unified cashless ticketing system, to fleet management and tracking, to predictive maintenance, to fleet automation, to on-demand services

g) which focuses on customer service, customer acquisition and customer retention in all separate target age, gender and ability groups and creates channels to actively seek passenger and anonymous feedback

h) which has excellent online and offline information dissemination and audio-visual display system and hence can devise flexible network configuration and flexible coach configuration without disappointing customers, required to respond to fluctuating demand, many a times experienced due to seasonal and diurnal variation, route characteristics and force majeure event; required to stay financially afloat (system that not just focuses on expansion, but one that is able to sequester as well)

i) finally, public transportation system, which may consider to experiment with real time flexible ticket pricing based of fleet occupancy level using gamut of technological aids like sensors and analytical cameras.

Additional thoughts on real time pricing for public transport system can be found in my other Linkedin article here []

Author: Anoop Jha

#publictransport #metro #tram #bus #transitionpathways #transportplanning #automation #technology #micromobility #bicycle #rideshare #fleetmanagement #networkanalysis #ret #ns #urbanplanning #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Denbosch #Alkmaar #Tilburg #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Feb 19, 2023

An organism called City!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


A narrative.

While cities can easily be misunderstood as an efficient functional object or synchronised complex machinery, they are certainly worth more than there physical dimensions and material attributes. Cities born out of necessity, forged by time and sustained by human endeavor yet intricate and unfathomable enough to be comprehended in totality and measured by mind. With time cities assume a personified, organic and withering quality. Ever growing, pulsating and engulfed in its own nostalgic scent, familiar white noise and mirage of visuals; qualities which make image of a city. True cities are made of metaphysical qualities rather than just physical attributes. One has to have a right vision not just right tools to make a city of essence!

Projection for long range development vision- What are the limitations?

 Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at


One of the inherent limiting factor of long range development vision, especially City or Metropolitan Development plan is "Projection". While multiple alternate growth scenarios - like in case of population projections- are assesses including business as usual, exponential case scenario etc. through a scientific, statistical and pragmatic approach, but soon afterwards while selecting the optimal case scenario out of handful of alternatives, science tends to get replaced by somewhat abstract sweeping logic and individual or herd preferences and usually a "bullish scenario" is selected unanimously, because "vision" is perceived to be bright and luminescent,  and rest other scenarios are sidelined.

Now very much convinced with the assumptions and choice of decision, projected numbers (say derived future population) assume concrete significance and starts dictating physical planning and form of city (like BUA, FAR, PCU), but in actuality such numbers (say projected population) may or may not be achieved or may exceed projected numbers, only to be evident half a decade later or so. Over stressed city infrastructure and ghost cities both are  results of over reliance on single final future scenario and discarding equally valid other possible scenarios.

It's worth acknowledging that a single market ready technological advancement in span of 3 to 5 years, has potential to disrupt 30 odd year vision plan just like that.

Vision and long range planning should be as agile, accomodative and resilient as possible; to be revisited, reinvented and reconfigured in short intermediate spans and it should also have a monitoring dashboard mechanism with a continuous feedback loop.  Additionally, vision document must elaborate and articulate multiple scenarios, their impacts and concrete response measures, plan-B, Plan-C and so on.

Author: Anoop Jha

Statistical bias and insufficiency!

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The problem with statistics other than it's 1) susceptibility to misinterpretation and 2) confirmation bias is that 3) the moment you try to universalise statistical outcome, it gets diluted and loses its granularity and significance and 4) if you hardly get any robust and substantiated temporal data of a specific region or set of subjects (with its innate challenges, strengths, context and conditions) to support your argument it anyway still remains too remote, meagre or ephemeral to be of any material significance to the other three fourth part of world.

e.g., wrt above numbers

1) #Commercial / #political interest statistics

2) #Agenda / #ideological driven statistics

3) encompassing subjects like #poverty #urbanisation

4) statistics wrt #ecology, #heritage, #bicycleusage

If not true for all sectors, segments or subjects; same has been recurring  theme and daunting issue with majority instances of statistical interpretation/ outcome

Statistics to be presented with a note of caution and to be received with a dash of scepticism.

Author: Anoop Jha

#Statistics  #modeling #projection #urbanplanning #governance #commerce

Feb 16, 2023

Not anytime sooner AI or ChatGPT will surpass human intelligence or completely fulfil human desire for excellence.

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As the saying goes - there are finer fishes in the ocean then ever been caught. Likewise, there is way too much human experiences than ever been documented, way too much knowledge then ever been published, countless layers of emotions then ever been fathomed. Worth mentioning, as above knowledge and experiences never made their way to big data with which machines are being trained in principle.

Machine intelligence may amuse one, may even trick one, for a moment or two for sure, may serve the worldly purpose to much extent as well, but not going to surpass human intelligence (not in terms of weather prediction) and instinct any time sooner, neither fulfil their quest and expectations. Needs of human intellect is more than ever possibly to be fulfilled by machine or AI, at least not in near term.

History is dotted with precedents. Take a look at art for instance, photography and digital media were perceived to have immense disruptive potential, and they actually disrupted creativity and aesthetics, but never could kill art, rather made art more stronger. Take example of internet, it had potential to disrupt knowledge and it did, but could never uproot academia, rather it strengthened it. Take for instance cars, there was technically no going back to non-motorised vehicle, but bicycle prevailed and rather going stronger. When there came polyester, there was no going back to handloom, but it left people longing even more for cotton. Likewise the advent of genetically modified food and reactionary human quest for organic produce. And robots that could never render manpower obsolete.

As human needs and reactions to external events are way complex, hence their self organising tendency around any new disruption is also evident. Human being prefer to dwell at the borderline of existence, to have a chance to immerse oneself in experience in one instance (sometimes driven by technology) and withdraw in private seclusion in next moment. Essentially delocalised and never to be confined in one orbit.

Human quest remains unchallenged, as there is no technology which can quench their thirst, their quest for excellence, and search for newness. The best thing one can do in such times of technological flux is to embrace the change and keep calm!

Author: Anoop Jha

#technology #ChatGPT #AI #ML #bigdata #machinelearning #futuretech #disruption #smartcity #urbanplanner #architect #Rotterdam #Hague #Eindhoven #Utrecht #Amsterdam #Netherlands


Feb 14, 2023

Digitalisation - possibly the only way forward!

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We, take action (going from point A to B in a city) to accomplish day to day task and take smaller steps (changing transport modes, crossing road) to eventually complete the task (reaching destination in this case). Now lets take "digital" out of the equation to understand the role of digitalisation in this process. Which means it will be difficult to know the exact status of next bus, local train until reaching bus stop or station; add time spent in buying ticket possibly, and if running out of cash then may pay visit to bank first (as even ATMs won't be around), also traffic signals won't be syncronised, so it will be difficult even to cross the road quickly and safely; also after reaching a new destination spend additional time searching for exact address in absence of digital map, while it will also be difficult to get task completed remotely in absence of digitalisation.

This basically means we may have to add more minutes and hours in our planned action as cushion to offset uncertainty, and to overcome anxiety. Different versions of above case anyways used to be reality a decade or two ago.

If digital interventions in people's life equates to saved time per day, per action that means better planning, more freedom of choice, less efforts, relaxation, sanity, better health, better control of action (life) and also as a perk ever connectedness, omnipresent assistance and being more resourceful. The way digital services are embedded in todays day to day life, it may be difficult to chose alternative disconnected life, unless someone is on vacation in a remote eco-resort or beach retreat.

Even when people complain about constant surveillance in public space, the first thing they will possibly wish for will be CCTV coverage, in case they happen to be in a situation of threat or facing petty or serious crime.

There are some good examples of how digitalisation can work very well without much compromise, for instance in one of the South Rotterdam Neighborhood to counter the burglary etc. the pilot smart street lights uses audio visual clues to detect unusual situations, suspicious behaviors like burglary and theft, fight etc., and then intensifies light, raises alarm, record events only in such situations and alert law enforcement. Details of pilot here (

Digitalisation is sometimes synonyms with smart cities. While its a constant debate that what kind of and how much digitalisation is needed in a (smart) city; acknowledging the role and embeddedness of digital interventions in day to day life, the possible best way forward would be to embrace the digitalisation, and attempt to keep improvising same.

Author: Anoop Jha

#Digitalisation #urbanplanning #urbanmanagement #architecture #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Denbosch  #Alkmaar #Noordholland #Northholland #Tilburg  #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Feb 11, 2023

Decoding architectural and urban planning profession, mannerism and dimensions!

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How architects and urban planners possibly think, what all they encounter? What are the key challenges of profession?

Architects and urban planners are usually creative, imaginative, and practical enough to almost dwell at the border of science and philosophy. They often like to draw analogy, parallel and similarity, find harmony and juxtaposition, search for patterns, logic and inspiration, build complex compositions while capable of offering even more complex explanation of same, articulate subtle thoughts, envision rare possibilities and more; meanwhile juggling between, functionality, aesthetics and feasibility; which most of the time remains a trade-off. Their works also have to qualify on aspirations of range of stakeholder and users, today and in centuries to come; work that should also withstand test of time, finding continued relevance, facing weather, disaster, praise and criticism alike.

Sometimes, rather many a times architects and urban planners operate on different scales, but their quest and creative search remains similar, i.e., creating something for people, community; something that is functional, aesthetic, comforting and nostalgic; but also within reach and viable; may be complex but also abstract enough to be explained to and understood by all.

Architects and urban planners sometimes draw similarity between human and architecture, and between human and city, as possibly human, being the most complex functional entity. A vast and complex subject as it is, has equally vast challenging regime, where half of world may not be having proper access to architectural services, neither having means, representation or entitlement, searching from the pool of architects who don’t even exist today; Similarly scores of unauthorised settlements, suburban villages and small towns in different parts of world, big or complex enough to qualify for a city title, having little awareness, resources and empowerment, to have timely access to urban planning services.

Architectural and urban planning profession has been that way since quite few decades, that is asymmetric in its services and reach, no less than economic or digital divide; also characteristic of juxtaposition, from the epitome of expression and demonstration at one end to the absolute absence of same on other end.

What’s going on now and what’s the way forward? Increasingly resource gap is being filled, awareness within, and about architecture and urban planning is growing, architectural and planning services are increasingly reaching to areas of cities and areas beyond cities which remained unattended in past, and increasingly serving the remote parts of world.

Author: Anoop Jha

Architect Planner

#urbanplanning #architecture #smartcity #Delhi #Mumbai #India #Africa #Europe #EU #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #alkmaar #noordholland #northholland #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Feb 4, 2023

With possibilities of real-time response, universal payment etc. today there should be a far better public transport pricing mechanism!

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The following may be true for a range of cities across the world.

When it comes to public transport of all kinds, while the process of ticketing and payment methods and modes have seen a lot of innovation, driven by technology over the past years and decades, but there seems to have been little innovation in the pricing mechanism of public transport ticketing.

When we think of ease and equity of population, but you still see the same decade or so old handful of deferred pricing mechanism like tourist ticket, day ticket, regular passenger discount pass, off-peak hour discount, and maybe age bracket discount. This is so outdated, while you can possibly charge on a scale from one percent to hundred percent of the ticket price (still honoring various categories of tickets mentioned above) based on the real-time occupancy level of the specific bus, tram, etc. at any given time, still running a profitable venture.

The pricing mechanism which is actually one of the most important affairs of the public transport sphere and which directly touches the lives of millions has remained static while everything else about public transport has changed mostly through technology, it's surprising.

Root cause, no authority or transport service provider would like to run the risk of changes in projected revenue from public transport for instance. Even if it means losing out on big profit possibilities (for both parties), as there is comfort in known! 

City is a unique place. You see scores of vacant unsold houses in many cities and you also see those struggling to buy own house and those homeless on the streets, all in the same city.

You also see in a city, public transport of different kinds, many a time running partially or near empty on one or many occasions of day, on one and many stretches of the city, every single day and over the years, and you see people who are not allowed to board these near vacant public transport modes without paying a pre-fixed price or pre-decided discounted price and hence you also don’t see the latent flux of people you could have seen otherwise if authority or transport service provider would have allowed them to board the public transport on a fraction of standard or discounted ticket price i.e., as low as 1% to 5% to 10% or other of the standard ticket price, as a function of public transport occupancy level. Just because no one wants to do the math, both parties are at loss including operators and users. 

Now considering baseline criteria as public transport quality is good, everyone uses a multimodal touch-and-go payment card and payment is made inside or at the entry of the transport system say tram, bus, (possibly LRT, Metro, train as well) etc.

Now if we use embedded sensors inside tram and bus (and possibly metro and LRT) for instance calculate the occupancy of this particular bus or tram at any given moment and allowing real-time adjustments in ticket prices for "this particular" bus or tram to the extent i.e., near vacant tram or bus means near zero ticket price (as the operator is anyways getting zero if the system is running empty, even marginal profit over business as usual is still a profit), hence pricing will keep changing for every next rider, mostly lower than typical pricing and never exceeding the standard ticket pricing, also prompting more people to board the tram or bus if they see it running at lower occupancy, knowing that they will have to pay lower or just fraction. Apps can provide such projected pricing reduction information about any particular route in real-time to prospective travelers. If we tailor the existing transport system through upgrade or retrofit and adopt a real-time pricing mechanism at this granular level powered by tech (e.g., sensor fusion, etc) both transit service providers and citizens will be winner in terms of benefits and savings respectively, and it will help people switch from private to public transport, a much desired ”model shift”.   

So real issue and opportunity is how to deal with occupancy level for (sometimes mutual) benefit of supplier and consumer?

Occupancy is a wonderful tool!

The hospitality industry learned this long back and hence early bird and last-minute discounts. The rental market is already thriving on this in some places. Aviation also leveraging it somewhat. Taxi services learned the other way around, how to inflate the price 2X or 4X or more through congestion charges. The public transit segment world over is still lagging far behind wrt innovation on real-time occupancy-based pricing (for price reduction not increase) with the unimaginable potential using real-time pricing adjustment mechanism with help of sensors and other connected technology.

Author: Anoop Jha

#smartcity #transportplanning #its #intelligent #trafficmanagement #policy #surveillance #databreach #ml #machinelearning #iot #delhi #mumbai #india #camera #urbanmanagement #urbandeveloent #Rotterdam #Amsterdam #DenHaag #Delft #Alkmaar #DenBosch #Eindhoven  #Utretch #Hague #Netherlands


Its poised time for city administrations and urban management and development professionals.

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It’s interesting to recognise how empowered a city administration can be today to take evidence-based decisions, depending on what kind of, how recent, and what level of access to information they have in their city dashboard; compared to few decades ago when decisions about “urban future” used to mostly get made in closed board rooms and on literal mechanical drawing boards; mostly based on past trends, white papers, fancy of the creative class, administrative zeal, and sometimes based on intuition.

To draw a parallel of insufficiency that old times had, imagine the great architects and planners of history who somehow still managed to deliver all the job old school way, in absence of now integral and pervasive modern survey and modelling tools like satellite imagery, Geographic Information System (#GIS), #LIDAR, #DGPS, #drones, Building Information Modelling (#BIM), #TrafficSimulation and #CrowdManagement software, structural, hydraulic, lighting and range of #EnvironmentalModelling software, including some more which are still taking shape and trying to find widespread application in urban management and development including #DigitalTwin, #ParametricDesign, #AI and #ML.

Technology and data combined (proliferation of data, universal access to technology and open data) has not just minimised the information asymmetry between public and private entities but has also provided a level play field for urban professionals in different parts of world. It has been a journey from then “private entities educating city administrations about how to approach urban problems” to now “city administrations finally resourceful enough to ask ‘why this and not that’ while increasingly interrogative private entities about checks and balances of ethical practices they follow (e.g., data anonymity). Technology and information have made this journey possible from “just a handful” in history to “so many” great young architects and planners who exist today for instance. Technology and wider access to information (data) have made possible the faster diffusion of creativity today and also created an abundance of highly skilled manpower including multi-disciplinary urban managers, at the same time minimising the gap between low-skilled and highly skilled professionals.

As urban problems have become more and more complex and wicked, access to tools, resources, and technology to manage these problems has also become sophisticated and widely available today. There wasn’t a more promising time ever than today in the area of urban management and development.

Author: Anoop Jha

#smartcity #urbanmanagement #urbandevelopment #governance #egovernance #publicpolicy #ml #machinelearning #iot #Rotterdam #delhi #mumbai #gurugram #Amsterdam #DenHaag #Delft #Alkmaar #DenBosch #Eindhoven #Utretch #Hague #Netherlands