Feb 20, 2023

Essence of a true egalitarian city in actual and figurative sense.

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Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

City is an embodiment of heterogeneity, a scintillation of aspirations and a crucible of democracy.

Metaphorically, a true egalitarian and utopian city will treat all it's inhabitants equitably, will provide abundant opportunity to everyone and will cherish indiscriminating spatial and build forms.

It's important question to ask here whether our current spatial and metaphorical dimension of city is egalitarian, unbiased, and equitable in true sense and built on values of democracy or it is still being built on edifice of aristocratic values as reflected in its built form, hierarchy and distribution of spaces in its struggle of power play. Is it that hierarchy and articulation of spaces as well as gradation, grandeur and power of built forms which help build image of city and which claims to celebrate the democracy are crushing the very egalitarian values itself.

From barbarian to kingdom to democratic set up, while social, political and economic structures have considerably changed over centuries and increasingly moving towards a flatter equitable world; structure and morphology of cities on the other hand unfortunately remained more or less unchanged; like capital complex replacing the castle, commercial and business district still occupying most prime zone and so on. Meanwhile lesser privileged and marginalized segment continued to made feel as dwarf in todays city as they used to feel in kingdom.

It is understood that all cities cannot follow a single template, but we must urgently think what could be model of a true egalitarian and utopian city where every citizen feels equally empowered.

To get a sense of what true egalitarian city may look like, government, planners and architects may try pushing capital complex to the fringe of city or making public buildings less imposing and less authoritative in its appeal or making low cost housing as a skyline and image of a city or making transit nodes at the core of high density lesser privileged neighborhoods where marginalised people walk to station and rich strata arrive using last mile transport mode or reserving most scenic and prime location of city for least privileged segment and public parks for example.

Traditions and philosophy of city planning, urban design and architectural built form needs to be revisited and some bold steps to be taken as a statement to make cities increasingly egalitarian in its reflection, functionality as well as in its spatial and built form.

Author: Anoop Jha 

#urbanplanning #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Denbosch #Alkmaar #Tilburg #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

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