Feb 21, 2015

Scaling of opportunities, a bigger challenge than scaling up urban infrastructure!

urban management urban planning - A concept of tackling urban challenges by prioritizing skill-building and scaling opportunities, leading to greater community engagement and sustainability.

Tackling immediate soft urban challenges through resource prioritization!

Infrastructure expansion is where the money and interest is and is a never ending process as well, so it will keep scaling up in background anyway and will be taken care of diligently, with or without much intervention. Public sector has more of a catalytic and mentoring role to play in that direction. Skill is what we need to focus on today.

Like they say “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to catch a fish and he will eat for his lifetime”.  Scaled opportunity is what an urban dweller needs irrespective of which Socio-economic strata they belong. More opportunity to masses means more involvement in the urban dynamics, and hence being more engaged in the process of building the very city which provided the new scale and dimensions of opportunities. Scaling of opportunity are less resource intensive and has higher ROR than scaling or urban infrastructure and might be more sustainable an approach!

Further scientific modelling and analysis will be required to validate and assert the idea.  

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Feb 17, 2015

A quick tweet set on robotics!

The evolution of robotics is expected to incorporate human emotions, shifting focus from AI and senses to emotional transposition. netherlands amsterdam eindhoven philips innovation robotics ai ml

Handpicked tech tweets from @urbanoregional

1] The next generation of #robotics will be more of transposing #human feelings to robots than AI, logic or senses! #tech #technology

2] We will see "robot rights" group surfacing in coming decad.

3] You are #timetrapped in a #dream, you will only wake up wen a #robot will slap you in your face 10 odd years later! ....#tech #future

4] If you will ever ask a robot to tell a joke it will tell you to look into the #mirror!

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Feb 11, 2015

A den of your own in a public realm!

Soon you will be carrying your very own personal space in your pocket or purse!
urban management urban planning - A concept of a portable, 3D sprayable personal space, offering temporary, biodegradable shelters for individuals seeking solitude in public spaces. netherlands rotterdam amsterdam hague delft den bosch
Yeh true we all like crowd, faceless crowd rather, even the cloistered ones ocassionaly dream of getting lost in the sea of masses. Social animal they call us though everyone's  "social" is different. In a crowd called social some prefer dialogue, some monologue, some play observant and some like to withdraw in a safe corner.  But for sure everyone's life revolves around this thing "social" and everyone craves for this thing called "personal" (space) at the same time!
Like duality is a natural phenomenon observed in nature, "bittersweet taste for example", this perpetual  duality also transposes and gets reflected in human psyche,  "should I? Shouldn't I?" Hence as social is natural to our instinct, so is the craving for personal.

While we are busy planning our cities and communities we often tend to forget about individual needs and craving for secure personal spaces. A space of their own in a public realm- A need which was never talked about, never asked, never fulfilled and not intended to be given any time soon by urban planners and designers.  If you think you have been considerate enough on this issue as a planner, an urban designer or a landscape architect can you think of when did you last design a chair for a park or street instead of bench? Or for that matter when did you even last see a chair instead of bench in any public space? Why do one has to share a sitting space or bench with some stranger in a park or street, charming or otherwise. A solitary chairs in public space is a rare sight if so exists.

Its unfortunate that a solitary person in public realm usually has threat perception attached to it though this very crowd is made up of multiple individuals, seeking their own private space and identity.

So till the time virtual-reality  and holographic spaces takes over the public plaza and streets and parks to cater to personal spaces, we can have an intermediate solution today-Something like  a "space foam" or "3d reinforced fiber mesh" or a "statically charged reinforced siderweb polymer" or "anything which is light, structurally stable and yes biodegradable with self ufolding,  collapsing, binding or with "Spray ability", any one of these in a pressurised Can, something like Shaving Gel Can or Pepper Spray container.

Imaging you 3d spraying (not 3d printing) your own space, like a Cocoon, a temporary human scale shelter when u feel like running away from the crowd, and all from a disposable refillable container you can carry in your pocket or purse.

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Feb 7, 2015

Urban development is contagious, keep an eye and let it spread!

A concept of urban development where basic infrastructure is provided, allowing self-sustained, flexible growth, guided by assistive governance and scientific planning. netherlands amsterdam urban management

One gear triggers other and whole machine gets activated.

Process of urban development is spontaneous, sometimes sluggish sometimes fast but always forward looking, if left on its own it will automatically morph and mutate and expand, to cater, to accommodate, by utilizing whatever little or more they have, by seeking and digging what and when they require. And we are not talking about another Squatter!

Left on its own city might sustain and prosper or it might entangle and be a mess, but it will grow for sure, that’s how we have made our journey from jungle to habitat spanning centuries. We need planning upfront today different from mud house age since our needs have changed and so the externalities, otherwise natural mutation of habitat or city should technically be sustainable a phenomenon.

Development has inertia of growth inbuilt we just don’t know in which direction, though we really don’t have to push is so hard we have to just push it to keep it rolling and have to give it a logical direction.

Upfront capital being a key constraint in urban development sector, an example of mutating self-sustaining habitat can be an additive model of shelter where you give only that much of infrastructure which is basic but with provision of ample spatial flexibility and assistance at disposal, and letting them build further on their own, based on their capacities, choices and needs. Creating some rules to play with and giving them an assistive hand when and where they require.

A favorable environment, assistive and vigil governance and a scientific approach are what we need to see this natural development phenomenon unfold and sustain.