May 30, 2012

World Agro Market Information Resources

Global Agro Market Information
AMIS  : Agricultural Market Information System
A G20 initiative.
Global agricultural market information system

AMIS Aims to -
Enhance food market outlook information
Improve agricultural market information, analyses and forecasts
Report on abnormal international market conditions
Collect and analyse policy information,
Promote dialogue and responses, and international policy coordination;
Build data collection capacity in participating countries.

Indian Agro Market Information
National Agricultural Market Atlas

Check Agricultural Market Prices Online, India

May 27, 2012

Google - Data for sustainable planning!!

Internet has changed the process and pace of planning in the recent years, still leaving immense untapped possibilities and Google has played a crucial role in all this with constantly evolving its interface, data structuring and data liberalisation. Its up to us how sensibly we derive the hidden treasures and pattern of data and use it for better planning, leading to sustainable communities. 

May 17, 2012

It’s Art if you can prove it…

Beauty lies in the description of subject not in the eyes of beholder!
We all have seen those classical photorealistic portraits, landscapes and still-life paintings, those precisely chiseled anatomical sculptures as well as those scientifically calculated complex structural building forms and the moment we see it we unanimously conclude that it’s a piece of art. We visualize, appreciate and interpret those art subjects as it is. Here we are talking about something different.

Let’s talk about art in the context of contemporary abstract and modern art, symbolic sculptures, concept based product designs, landscape and urban design installations and to some extent architecture. Let’s face the biting truth of contemporary art and design, i.e. “Abstractness” in art and design and other creative fields has become an easy escape for majority of artists, designers and likeminded people in the contemporary world due to its low-labor-low-skill-fast-production nature and high perceived intellectual and monetary value. Though there is psychological interpretation and justifications of “abstract art” as well but let’s focus here on the whole gimmick of art and commercialization surrounding art and design industry in the name of abstractness.
Let’s see how it works. Let’s be clear in the beginning that it’s not “Art” which is being sold, it the “Story” which they are buying, story of struggle of that artist and designer, story of making of that art and design work, story behind that abstractness. More the abstractness more the flexibility to weave a convincing story around that art, more the vagueness more they are capable to defending their artwork. So it’s not the art but the descriptive and convincing power of the artists and designers which all matters.

If you are not convinced yet let’s see few examples, suppose you see a particular piece of modern abstract contemporary art or installation which is beyond your perception, and your first reaction is “what’s the point”!! Then someone comes and tells you that this is a master-work of some renowned artist or sculptor or designer and then you unsuccessfully try to derive some meaning out of that art which was greek and meaningless for you a moment back, because you don’t want to challenge the authority of that renowned someone, because you know he or she will tell you a very convincing story to prove the meaning of their art. And they can do it very well, they are expert story tellers. That piece of art might be a genuine feeling and true expression of that artist or designer but there is an equal probability that it might be a story fabricated by that artist or designer or sculptor or others, around that art work to manipulate and convince you of its greatness and one can do that very easily if needed. And why not, if people are willing to spend fortunes to buy stories, let’s tell them stories, that’s what they are doing.

Still not convinced? Do it yourself then. Take a large white canvas or paper and few bottles of acrylic colors; put the canvas horizontally on ground and pour those colors randomly here and there on the canvas, use your creativity, instinct and any or some of the tools at your disposal, your hand, your old toothbrush or comb, kitchen utensils etc., just anything to roughly spread and partially mix those color on the canvas. Your painting is ready, now let’s weave an interesting story behind the painting subject, whatever comes to your mind first just go for it. 10 minutes and you are ready with an abstract masterpiece; rest up to your descriptive skill, now “if you can prove, it’s an Art, if not it’s a crap”. Best part is that you don’t have to be an artist or designer to do that, if you want to do a reality check, put this just emerged master art work in your living room, let people come and describe it for you or alternatively describe a different theme to different guests, just for fun. You will be surprised to see the positive responses; someone might offer you a good price for that as well!!

By- Anoop Jha

May 14, 2012

“Sun Sign architecture” - Going beyond Vastu and Feng Shui

Where architecture and astrology comes together!!

Is it possible to provide tailor-made architecture for individuals? Each member of a family has a particular trait, temperament, preferences and choices, when it comes to architecture and interior design some have strict preferences, some have vague idea of what they are looking for, some doesn’t even know what they want, so when an architect asks client about their aspirations, design, functionality and aesthetic choices for their new dream home, client’s responses are either based on recent impression of their architectural quest through architecture and design magazines, neighborhood villas, exploration during travel etc., while integrating little bit of their own needs with a cap of tentative budget.
Now an architect has few choices to make. One is to give client exactly what client want and keep them satisfied in terms of their design aspirations- client is happy, you get your money, job done! Another choice is to take this project as an opportunity to fulfill your own long awaited dream as an architect- you have got a wealthy client willing to invest, you got an architectural playfield to release your creative juices, go ahead and make some masterpiece, you can always justify your work through some convincing design theory or philosophy.  Third choice which is apparently more transparent and holistic in nature is to delve deep into the client’s mind and personality and dig out their dormant design aspirations and help them express their feelings. How can we do that? Clients might be shy, might be dominant, might be receptive, might be stubborn, no matter what, it’s the job of architect to thoroughly understand the client’s need while deliberating possible alternatives and provide them the best tailor-made solution possible. A sensible architect strikes a balance between his or her own architectural inclination and client’s precise needs.  
A basic understanding of astrological elements like sun signs, its characteristics, traits and corresponding effects on the individual’s personality, nature and behavior, aspirations, moods, aesthetic demands in terms of preferred colors, materials, etc. belonging to a particular suns sign, might help a lot to understand the clients unexpressed needs. Most of us will accept that knowingly or unknowingly we tend to choose a particular design element type and objects over another, we also tend to appreciate a particular surrounding ambiance type over another, so knowing the sun sign of client and considering their physical, psychological and aesthetic effects and traits on client’s choices while designing might give an extra edge to final architectural product including interior design. Imagine designing a unique house for a family with a unique blend of colors, material, warmth spaces etc. chosen based on their individual sun sign, amalgamating into each other catering to unspoken traits and temperament of inhabitants.
Architects and interior designers might understand the significance of basic astrology in architecture (and we are Not talking about Vastu and all here) but they won’t prefer to use it for the benefit of client, because no one asked them to do this, neither it was part of their education nor its part of their scope of work, while it adds a little challenge and thrill to their work demanding extra time which they don’t seem to have. Given a second thought you might find it a good idea and a valid reason to incorporate a little bit of sun-sign in every architecture which is private in nature, tailor-made to individuals. 
By- Anoop Jha