Feb 23, 2023

How to deal with possible confirmation bias and visual bias in professional, social and print media.

Confirmation bias is basically gathering selective evidence or interpreting facts in a manner to support ones idea/ ideology/ argument, in a sense that reinforces ones belief and sometimes propagate certain agenda. On the contrary, unbiased research primarily investigates both side of literary argument, before they continue to investigate/ build on one side of argument for specific disclosed reasons.

What about bias related to choice of visuals or selection of imagery specifically when linked with a piece or page of article/ text/ book/ news/ magazine/ post etc?

Visual that is doubtful or emotionally loaded or showing amplified version of apparent ideological affiliation, sometimes being used to support a text, may qualify for bias, but may not always be a case of deliberate manipulative attempt or confirmation bias. It may also be due to one of the following reasons or more, i.e., ignorance of writer, their misjudgment, hasty accidental choice of image, lack of access of good and wide choices of visual content due to reasons of copyrights or financial constraints etc.

Whether accidental or due to obvious limitations or by deliberate choice or conscious or unconscious confirmation bias, still we encounter obvious countless text and visual bias everyday in the sensory overdose of profession, social, and print media.

Challenge is multifaceted. There are also many urgent issues in life and world which require attention of as many as possible to solve it, which somehow also influences accentuated and loaded visual media choices made by many individuals and agencies, on a day to day basis, specifically choosing the image that has potential to garner urgent or due attention. Such cases are obvious especially in area of popular media and some grey literature. Though most manipulations are obvious to even most casual readers, still fact remains that the flow of information is rapid hence the impact of selected image may also be huge in many senses.

While it may be difficult to come to immediate conclusion, one can only remain conscious of the fact of possible bias in collective impact of text/ post/ article/ print media and supporting images; hence picking up the information which may be relevant, contextual and possibly legit, while discarding rest and even better to cross verify if time and motivation permits. One may also apply a certain level of intelligence to decipher if meaning of text is skewed, information presented is asymmetric, whether the image seems representative and factual, or if there is another side of story not represented in the given image, or consciously hidden, or image deliberately distorted/ cropped. There may be merit in taking the digitally morphed, or having unearthly attributes or psychologically intense, or agenda driven text and images of different kinds, with a dash of caution.

Author: Anoop Jha

Feb 21, 2023

All businesses and services need to support causes equal or more noble than it's own for a better world.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


An exemplary case proposal for transportation sector.

Imagine an airline company which offers free public transport day pass in origin and destination city along with it's every flight ticket to encourage use of public transport for last mile connectivity, a car company which gives free bicycle with every car purchase to promote use of bicycle for short distance travel, a motorcycle brand that gives free periodic bike servicing to it's customers on showing particular bicycle-mile earned to enhance use of bicycle as complementary travel mode, a bicycle manufacturing company that offers free outdoor activity accessories and protective gears to senior citizens who regularly walk and pay frequent visits to park.

Above proposal and logic is true and need of time for all sectors and chain of businesses. For example a petrochemical company which meets all it's non-production energy requirement through renewable sources to set example and to contribute for a better world.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anoopjha/


#business #businessinnovation #bicycle #airline #car #manufacturing #industry #futureofbusiness #forabetterworld #businesssynergy #sharedprosperity

Live anywhere work anywhere city!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


(Old post 2019)

Proposed model for a pilot city, a district of experimentation, a living laboratory or a city retrofit suitable for a particular demography.

Majority of people leave ancestral home, hometown, current house or current city as higher education, work or financial situation demands, and they don't mind doing so. Also given an option majority of people wouldn't mind migrating from current home to an all equipped star category accommodation managed by hospitality brand as a practical decision. Above is evidence that people can live anywhere, they don't have to return from work to the same home or house number every evening, home can technically be omnipresent.

Now, especially after covid19 mass WFH and long range remote working phenomenon it's also indisputable that work place can be omnipresent as well. They don't have to go to same workplace every morning, they don't have to go to same office or same coworking space rather they can work from any coworking facility. This city will require a central warehousing of personal belongings from where required personal items can be delivered on demand and you will require an app to locate the nearest vacant workstation for the day and nearest available home to spend rest of the evening and night! 


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anoopjha/


Running out of urban value capture ideas? A little tweak will help!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Urban Planning and design can create some serious financial opportunities previously missed by urban local bodies and developers.

At planning and design stage itself decide a threshold unit real estate price for any given commercial (landuse) street; price which is applicable equally for properties on both sides of street. Now shift entire carriageway to some extent towards one side to make typical cross section of Road ROW asymmetrical, hence making more room for pedestrians, users and recreational space on one side of street compared to other. Effectively not only improvising overall public realm, streetscape and (hence footfall) of given street but also adding more footfall on one side of road which is having wider pedestrian realm. Now you should easily be able to charge substantially more per unit commercial real estate cost for that side of road having wider frontage and expecting higher footfall. Price of properties on other side of road remains same as original threshold as still reaping locational advantage.

Theoretically idea can expand to any landuse and to any part of city!

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anoopjha/


Cross-synergy for innovation

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


What we hear from subject experts on matters of specific subject is important, what is most important is what we hear or yet to hear on any given subject from experts who are outside domain or belonging to a different field, sometimes not even an expert. Cross-synergy is the key element of any subject area to grow holistically, promote innovation and bring inclusion. While we require to get increasingly specialised in sub-verticals of various subject domains, at the same time we also need to make sure to break the stubborn compartments of each domain, built sometimes by very expert guardians of subject. Cross-synergy example can be for instance a #Chef may have an interesting take on #UrbanFarming and #EdibleLandscape as part of #UrbanPlanning subject, a #Mathematician having a sound perspective on traffic congestion resolution as part of #TansportPlanning subject and so on. 


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 

My LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anoopjha/


How expensive it could be to impart or distribute knowledge for free!

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


How expensive it could be to impart or distribute knowledge for free! A commercial arrangement can always be worked out for same.

Education could be paid or subsidised or free, but basic and fundamental educational resources can always be made universally accessible, open source and available for free.

Further basic and advanced education and educational resources can also be made free with commercial mechanisms like advertisement or other in both digital and print form.

There may be arguments of commerce shaping vulnerable minds, imposing brand loyalty at early age and shaping collective consciousness, but that is only secondary issue (and can be dealt with); secondary for the reason when millions in world are not having access to basic and timely education, higher education, tailored vocational education, access to uninterrupted communication channels and right tools and gadgets to keep them motivated to learn whatever, whenever, wherever. Commerce can easily fill the last mile gap.

It should also be alright to insert few commercials, advertisements in presentation slides, educational podcast and textbook pages in university, college and high school, if it is for a noble cause or if it is funding that very education itself for those in need!

Author: Anoop Jha

Feb 20, 2023

Smallest base unit of urban planning!

What has to be the smallest base unit of urban planning? Sector, cluster, zone, block, plot, dwelling unit or a hypothetical grid. Above are convenient measurement units but fundamental "human" element is missing there. Add "people" into the equation and each of these unit becomes dynamic pulsating living being having spillover effect, missed in current brownfield planning and development approach.

"People" for whom & from where urban planning should start and where all the benefits of planning should culminate.

Community, being a considerably large, heterogeneous and multicultural entity

is too big to be considered the smallest unit of urban planning; while Individual, having a limited set of attributes and prolific in numbers is rather too small & cumbersome an entity for base unit.

"Household" with its autonomous demographic, cultural & socioeconomic quality, gender mix, age range, embodiment of community ethos & manageable scale should be the most logical & obvious choice of smallest unit & assessment tool of urban planning. Household's data attributes should go beyond economic, demographic & census checklist & must factor in parameters of it's social and ecological footprint, commute profile, debt & liabilities, pursuits and aspirations etc.

Author: Anoop Jha