Those in project management understand single concept of time, i.e. time by
clock and calendar. Project executed as per work schedule, days, month etc.,
there is no other reality. There is also single reality of space here i.e., per
unit distance or area, at different spatial scale, meter, km, sqft, sqkm etc.
Those in urban planning affair, do understand above concept of time, as every
urban development project is some kind of project/ programme management only,
applied in a spatial context; but they also encounter another idea of time and
space, different from clock, calendar and spatial unit, which is sometimes
difficult to measure or interpret or even acknowledge. Here meaning of time and
distance may differ for different individuals/ groups, depending on age,
ability, gender, purpose, intention, aspirations, resources, geography,
culture, familiarity, temporal reference, psychological conditions etc. This
multifaceted idea of time and space is a reality different than minutes and
meters; distinctly observable in urban planning affair. For instance, the
centuries of idea of walkable distance or distance to be covered by bicycle or
cart and time consumed in travelling such distance may logically and
technically be measured in meters and minutes; but these distances and
associated travel time may mean different thing to a child, old person, person
with physical disability, people with special needs, person carrying weight or
child, a jogger, fitness enthusiast, a pro native, a lost tourist, a person
travelling to cinema and a person being taken to hospital while battling for
life. This idea and perception of time and space is further different depending
or use of powered vehicle, bike, wheelchair, horse cart or without these. Also
different in context of metropolis, city, small town, or suburb. A 500 meter
distance might be an easy distance for some and may feel like 10 miles to
Its important to acknowledge that the "unit time" by the clock or
calendar which we are conditioned to use as a benchmark as an urban planner,
city managers or project/ programme managers, is somehow a weighted average or
a median of all aspects mentioned above, which are rarely widely discussed.
Simply put 500 meter walking distance for example to be understood as average
of what an athlete and an old age person can comfortably walk.
Irony is that there are possibly no scientific project management tool, method
or explanation that acknowledge this "other" kind of spatiotemporal
reality. Its just that urban planners, urban designers and landscape
architects, instinctively acknowledge and factor in a different kind of time
and space definition as well i.e. time beyond clock and distance beyond
mile-stone; and they make provisions for same and alike, to make city a better
Author: Anoop Jha
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