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Feb 16, 2023
Knowing what you are dealing with is the first step of planning –A typical case of island research and development
Not anytime sooner AI or ChatGPT will surpass human intelligence or completely fulfil human desire for excellence.
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As the saying goes - there are finer fishes in the ocean then ever been caught. Likewise, there is way too much human experiences than ever been documented, way too much knowledge then ever been published, countless layers of emotions then ever been fathomed. Worth mentioning, as above knowledge and experiences never made their way to big data with which machines are being trained in principle.Machine intelligence may amuse one, may even trick one, for
a moment or two for sure, may serve the worldly purpose to much extent as well,
but not going to surpass human intelligence (not in terms of weather
prediction) and instinct any time sooner, neither fulfil their quest and
expectations. Needs of human intellect is more than ever possibly to be
fulfilled by machine or AI, at least not in near term.
History is dotted with precedents. Take a look at art for
instance, photography and digital media were perceived to have immense
disruptive potential, and they actually disrupted creativity and aesthetics,
but never could kill art, rather made art more stronger. Take example of
internet, it had potential to disrupt knowledge and it did, but could never
uproot academia, rather it strengthened it. Take for instance cars, there was
technically no going back to non-motorised vehicle, but bicycle prevailed and
rather going stronger. When there came polyester, there was no going back to
handloom, but it left people longing even more for cotton. Likewise the advent
of genetically modified food and reactionary human quest for organic produce.
And robots that could never render manpower obsolete.
As human needs and reactions to external events are way
complex, hence their self organising tendency around any new disruption is also
evident. Human being prefer to dwell at the borderline of existence, to have a
chance to immerse oneself in experience in one instance (sometimes driven by
technology) and withdraw in private seclusion in next moment. Essentially
delocalised and never to be confined in one orbit.
Human quest remains unchallenged, as there is no technology
which can quench their thirst, their quest for excellence, and search for
newness. The best thing one can do in such times of technological flux is to
embrace the change and keep calm!
Author: Anoop Jha
#technology #ChatGPT #AI #ML #bigdata #machinelearning
#futuretech #disruption #smartcity #urbanplanner #architect #Rotterdam #Hague
#Eindhoven #Utrecht #Amsterdam #Netherlands
Feb 14, 2023
Rotterdam #Art day out!
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************************************************One of the #artgallery owner was kind enough to spend some
time to discuss about some of the paintings including one of his favorite one
on display. I also took opportunity to show him pictures of my past hobby art
works (sketches/ paintings) and get some quick feedback, validation and handy
tips to improvise on hobby craft sometime in future. Sharing snippets of my old artwork, which the
gentleman found interesting enough in terms of contemporary art scene.
Gallery owner was very generous to give some handy tips and
food for thought to ponder, he being in creative business for quite some time;
saying these days its fine to blend different art styles, also may be good idea
to have a contemporary and international take on history, culture and roots,
from the place of origin of artist, also explaining why it may be important to
pay equal attention to all parts of painting including foreground and
background, he took time to show and explain finer details of some of the works
on display.
We talked about how #arthelps transcend time, possibly also helping new generation to connect with past and how art may help foster dialogue.
Having interest in art has certainly helped me during
#architecture study, but also as an urban planner and on path of being an urban
management professionals it has often helped me find order, pattern, as well as
finding innovative, creative and humane solutions to challen
ges of modern city
life, #urbanplanning and #urbanmanagement.
Author: Anoop Jha
Image/Work: Author
#Rotterdam #artgallery #urbanplanning #Architecture #netherlands #art
Week of Circular Economy 2023 (Week van de Circulaire Economie)
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************************************************, honeycomb arrangement and some back light it seem to worked well.
Thinking about concept of circular economy in a generic way
and looking at cities as being an organic whole, also looking from cultural and
economic perspective; with little observation and recollection we realize that
circular practices have been part and parcel to many nations, cultures and
communities across the world and throughout the history. Sometimes due to
cultural influences or sometimes due to economic necessity they seem to apply
circular practices by instinct, like being resource efficient, sharing
resources and products within large joint families and close-knit community,
using products overs generations, innovative use of material, keeping the
material and products in loop by changing hands, repurposing etc.
Also, as resources are being increasingly scarce, one of the
best things we can do to increase awareness about circular transition in modern
city context, practices and products, is to introduce the concept of circular
economy in educational curriculum from the very early stage and onwards.
#circulareconomy #architecture #interiordesign #circulartransition #Netherlands #WeekofCircularEconomy #weekvandecirculaireeconomie
Digitalisation - possibly the only way forward!
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at
We, take action (going from point A to B in a city) to accomplish day to day task and take smaller steps (changing transport modes, crossing road) to eventually complete the task (reaching destination in this case). Now lets take "digital" out of the equation to understand the role of digitalisation in this process. Which means it will be difficult to know the exact status of next bus, local train until reaching bus stop or station; add time spent in buying ticket possibly, and if running out of cash then may pay visit to bank first (as even ATMs won't be around), also traffic signals won't be syncronised, so it will be difficult even to cross the road quickly and safely; also after reaching a new destination spend additional time searching for exact address in absence of digital map, while it will also be difficult to get task completed remotely in absence of digitalisation.
This basically means we may have to add more minutes and
hours in our planned action as cushion to offset uncertainty, and to overcome
anxiety. Different versions of above case anyways used to be reality a decade
or two ago.
If digital interventions in people's life equates to saved
time per day, per action that means better planning, more freedom of choice,
less efforts, relaxation, sanity, better health, better control of action
(life) and also as a perk ever connectedness, omnipresent assistance and being
more resourceful. The way digital services are embedded in todays day to day
life, it may be difficult to chose alternative disconnected life, unless
someone is on vacation in a remote eco-resort or beach retreat.
Even when people complain about constant surveillance in
public space, the first thing they will possibly wish for will be CCTV
coverage, in case they happen to be in a situation of threat or facing petty or
serious crime.
There are some good examples of how digitalisation can work
very well without much compromise, for instance in one of the South Rotterdam
Neighborhood to counter the burglary etc. the pilot smart street lights uses
audio visual clues to detect unusual situations, suspicious behaviors like burglary
and theft, fight etc., and then intensifies light, raises alarm, record events
only in such situations and alert law enforcement. Details of pilot here
Digitalisation is sometimes synonyms with smart cities.
While its a constant debate that what kind of and how much digitalisation is
needed in a (smart) city; acknowledging the role and embeddedness of digital
interventions in day to day life, the possible best way forward would be to
embrace the digitalisation, and attempt to keep improvising same.
Author: Anoop Jha
#Digitalisation #urbanplanning #urbanmanagement
#architecture #smartcity #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Denbosch #Alkmaar #Noordholland #Northholland
#Tilburg #Eindhoven #Rotterdam