Jul 24, 2014

Creating dynamic street environment- A cure for repetitive monotony of city!

If you try recollecting past experiences, you will realize that an element of surprise can help you cope with the city stress- traffic, crowd, or simply say hectic repetitive chaos and it need not be scientifically proven.
So can we think of creating everyday surprises - pleasant of course, but can be weird sometimes - along the much traded route of our cities - a suddenly changed striking colored building, pink or florescent or yellow; a sudden surge of artificial wind in a subway, a sudden burst of soft rock music at bus shelter; a glowing bus or a decorated tree and so on, its like taking street performance to the next level which includes whole environment rather than just performer.

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May 13, 2014

Lets restore the lifeline of city called River! #LetsRestoreRiver

Riverfront development is a strategy to revive and protect the ecological health of rivers, restoring natural balance while integrating commercial uses.

Riverfront development as a tool for ecological revival.

River-edge development is about confronting the centuries of neglect towards lifeline of city called river.

It is about restoring the natural dignity of river while making some commercial sense out of it.

That riverfront was anyway thriving ecologically before city invaded the river edge.

River edge development is just an effort to restore the past equilibrium.

[Post by- Anoop Jha]