Apr 8, 2023

Information, connectivity and networked life as understated but intrinsic qualities of smart cities.

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Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


The flow of information has evolved from farmers reading the sign of nature to estimate rainfall, to kingdoms relying on harbinger posted on hilltop communicating warning signs about approaching enemy convoys, to messages critical getting delivered through telegraph using Morse code, to modern-day ICT and mass media revolution.

Connectivity has not just emerged in terms of shortening the physical distance but assumed a new role and meaning that simply didn’t exist centuries back i.e., virtual connectivity.

Networked life, though has existed from the very beginning of societal structural formation, the emergence of trade activities, and evolution of economic ecosystem; it was never as organised, resilient, and transitory as today.

The way social and technological evolution occur, like an almost unstoppable but invisible force; it remained almost unnoticeable, until recently. While we assume that getting timely information, availing universal connectivity, and living a networked way of life is fundamental and intrinsic to society, almost like the presumed service rights; only until we encounter paucity of information, obstruction in connectivity or experience friction or blockage in network.

What it takes for cities to offer a seamless flow of information, ubiquitous connectivity, and resilient modern networked life? Almost all of the above values and conveniences of modern life can be encapsulated under the ambit of the smart city concept; with the concerted efforts of multiple stakeholders.

The city administrations, city managers, and urban planners have to leverage all of these in a holistic, inclusionary, and cautionary manner while creating a fail-safe provision for system redundancy. The discourse around amorphous and shape-shifting “smart city concepts”, yet seemingly an unstoppable force, is increasingly required to be directional and formulative (instead of divisive) to be constructive. 

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 


#smartcity #urbanmanagement #urbandevelopment #ICT #Digitalisation #governance #egovernance #publicpolicy #ml #machinelearning #iot #Rotterdam #Amsterdam #DenHaag #Delft #Alkmaar #DenBosch #Eindhoven #Utretch #Hague #Netherlands

Good architecture and interior design never fails to amaze.

interior design home decor home renovation planning_Netherlands_India_Europe_Delhi Gurgugram Mumbai__Amsterdam_Utrecht_ Rotterdam Urban Tenets

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


It took sometime to notice the thoughtful and aesthetic design of handrail of wooden staircase in the apartment. It has close resemblance with sine curve or Bezier curve, a sign of harmony these may be called. This handrail was very comfortable, ergonomic and playful because of such design.

Also had opportunity to visit old style Dutch house earlier a couple of times, though was critical and puzzled at first, to see the steep narrow indoor staircase, narrow steps, short risers and low height handrails; different than those shown in pictures. Its almost felt like one needs to undergo a crash course to learn to navigate those staircases effortlessly and safely. While once again it took a while to get accustomed, one realises that those low height handrails goes very well with steep stairs. Not just that narrow staircase has space saving benefits, it also makes sense to have staircase designed in a more flexible, organic and fluid manner compared to modern popular geometric design as it fits in overall distinct architectural typology, especially pitched roof ones, where series or maze of steps may lead to different multilevel spaces, making it possible to make use of every possible space within the building envelope. And we are not even talking about sudden transitional quality of such staiways yet, which helps curb street behaviour while climbing the stairs.

While some may still find Dutch stairways, especially old ones, challenging to navigate, one thinks local/ traditional architects have mastered the craftsmanship of stairs and handrail making in many senses.

The obvious challenges associated with narrow steep stairs for instance related to age, abilities, and cargo handling are acknowledged, but that remains a separate topic for discussion.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 


#Dutcharchitecture #Utrecht #hague #Denhaag #Amsterdam #Delft #Leiden #architecture #Alkmaar #Netherlands #interiordesign

Analyzing network characteristics.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


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Networks often have two juxtaposed characteristics, one vulnerability, and the other redundancy/ resilience. Vulnerability in a sense that even a single or few weak links or blockages may interrupt the functionality of the network. Redundancy/ resilience because, due to multiple nodes and links, in case of disruption there might be multiple alternate paths that exist to continue the intended process.

Say if we visualize the transportation system as a network, if there is a missing link or persistent blockage (obstruction) in the bicycle route it may deter users to use bicycles altogether. This is an example of vulnerability. On the other hand, if your vehicle malfunctions at a certain place, you can always switch to an alternate parallel transportation mode like public transport. That is an example of redundancy within the same network of the transportation system.

Let’s take a case of business as a network. If there is a missing link or continued blockage in the supply chain, for instance, due to logistics infrastructure under-capacity, it may disrupt a business or even prompt some businesses to close down their operations. This is an example of vulnerability. On the other hand, if there is a policy change for instance that makes it impossible for a traditional business to serve a particular client base, in that case, the same business may either choose to serve a different market or mutate its business to offer another kind of product or service, using same logistics and supply chain. This is an example of redundancy.

We also see this juxtaposition at the societal level, if we consider society as a network. For instance, once the traditional rural fabric grows bigger to become a town and once the urban boundary is drawn, it tends to disrupt the social fabric on both sides of the urban-rural border. But using the same residual network, society on both sides of the border adapts to new socio-economic order within the newly established identity. i.e., the mutation in economic activities and readjustments in social characteristics. 

If we acknowledge the dyadic nature and potential of the network from the very beginning, we may be able to plan better, may be able to plan in advance, we may be able to minimize vulnerability, and leverage redundancy, possibly through scenario building.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 


#urbanmanagement #urbandevelopment #governance #egovernance #publicpolicy #Rotterdam #Amsterdam #DenHaag #Delft #Alkmaar #DenBosch #Eindhoven #Utretch #Hague #Netherlands

What true seamless experience may mean in future cities!

urban management and development_urban planning_Netherlands_India_Europe_Delhi Gurgugram Mumbai__Amsterdam_Utrecht_ Rotterdam_Smart Cities_ Urban Tenets future cities

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


In spite of multitude of choices, attractions and temptations, people usually tend to spend within the limit, in short, medium and long term. That is, they spend within their possible means, as they know well that they have to settle bills today, tomorrow or one fine day. Realising, that there is no getting away.

On the other hand, public and private institutions know very well that the product or services they are providing today will be paid for today, tomorrow or some other day, with interest, as long as the transaction is recorded and person who is using or buying the service or product is legitimate, so that they can always be traced back.

Which means purchase behaviour at individual end is usually self-regulatory; and institution level fear of not being able to recover the money for product or service rendered is usually illusionary.

If all transaction related to any rendered service or product sold in a city will be recovered eventually, with due interest i.e., without any losses, in a legit society where every citizen is identifiable and accountable for their purchase of such product or services, of course though a leak-proof mechanism, then there is no need for the barriers, barriers which hinder day to day seamless experience of millions living in a city. For a truly seamless experience these barriers will cease to exist.

Seamless experience in a city may mean, its good to have multimodal unified transportation card, but it also means you can travel without need of such card, without any card, as long as you are able to identify yourself at access/ exit points, in one of dozen or more possible ways that can technically be devised with todays technology. Seamless experience also means in this context that you are free to manoeuvre wherever you like in a city, by which ever mode you like, with or without making payment, as payment will eventually be settled. Seamless experience in a city may also mean that you don’t need to carry cash or a debit card or credit card or mobile wallet, to pay for low to medium value products or services below a certain thresholds (say exclude purchase of house or car etc. for now), as long as the purchase is linked to your identity, as payment will be settled eventually, as long as you are legit and you are okay with some incremental service charges.

The seamless city might be perceived as a cashless society today, but a true seamless smart city of tomorrow will possibly be even cardless, credit cardless, and digital walletless. Where consumer's identity itself will be a latent currency, as long as they are able to identify themselves in one of dozen odd ways; where consumer is able to manoeuvre and conduct seamlessly without any boundaries, as long as they are aware about consequences of their monetary actions.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 


#smartcity #urbanplanning #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands

Apr 5, 2023

What AI might have to do with anthropology, culture or linguistics?

urban management and development_urban planning_Netherlands_India_Europe_Delhi Gurgugram Mumbai__Amsterdam_Utrecht_ Rotterdam_Smart Cities_ Urban Tenets ai

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


AI certainly gives us a reason to cherish and leverage history, tradition and culture. It empowers us and generation to come, to instantly connect to roots and increasingly getting the grip of lost anthropological and cultural context. You not necessarily have to visit museum, or open encyclopaedia or search in gazette documents, to trace and learn about tradition and once thriving culture, as AI comes to rescue.

Why its important? Because, in very short span of time we observe how our language changes, once common words disappear from our lingo, once commonplace household items disappear from our day to day life, once common cultural practices disappear from modern lifestyle.

Not necessarily one must continue to use certain elements, items, or practices from past; as relevance, context and validity of some of those may remain futile or sometimes questionable. But what may be of interest here is the immense knowledge and several practices from past which AI makes more accessible. Also, making world of knowledge a more equitable playfield.

For instance, drawing inspirations from past culture and tradition has became much more easier for those in creative fields - designers, multiple forms of media creators, artists etc.

Also, finding the root cause and mapping certain geographic and cultural behaviour and traits have become more accessible for those on cultural exploration and for business communities, where personalised experience, products and services have become key to success. Ease and timely access to such wealth of historic quantitative and qualitative information may also help city planners, urban designers and architects to provide more humane solutions and urban fabric, that corresponds to aspirations of local community.  

Most importantly, making a rational decisions might have become easier considering Open AI and alike gives quick insight based on a large body of work (including text from deep in past, and referring to texts from left, right and centre perspective), hence providing us with a additional validated input, to base our decisions on. Acknowledging that personal opinion, undocumented knowledge (to which AI might not have access to) and intuitions, may still continue to play a key role in decision making in near future, at individual and Institutional level.

Author: Anoop Jha


[Recent update

Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.

Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationallyDrop me an email at anoop.jha@gmail.com 

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Instagram interior design page @urbantenets 

Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional 


#technology #AI  #Chatgpt #openAI #anthropology #urbanmanagement #Amsterdam #Utretch #Hague #Delft #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #Netherlands