Apr 3, 2016

Top 15 Business and Startup Quotes

Success begins with a dream that fuels purpose and action every day.

Via @urbanoregional

By Anoop Jha

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/


Its good to be skeptical.

Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/

Why individual and society has to be receptive and resilient. 

So how these individual idiosyncrasies which is sometimes projected as values and sometimes quoted as part of tradition, takes shape and gets reinforced forming an inseparable character of individual? 

Its a complete self gratification cycle backed by pseudo-scientific assertion as a social proof, which permits an individual to act in same way time and again and ultimately end up being an integral part of its persona, which neither they themselves question ever in their life, nor they allow others to do so, and when bitter life sometimes put them in a situation when their such idiosyncrasies are questioned they end up being emotionally sore and fragile and sometimes intellectually paralysed. 

In the process of evolution of mankind they seem to forget what differentiate them from animals, they forgot to pose questions to themselves and to situations before acting or concluding. They forgot that being skeptical and questioning was the only thing which differentiated them from primates and wild beasts. 

An individual and a society which shows the mindset to listen to new ideas and opinions and mobilises the courage to question their own opinions and idiosyncrasies grows by leaps and bound those who cant gets hurt and get perished. So how these individual idiosyncrasies which is sometimes projected as values and sometimes quoted as part of tradition, takes shape and gets reinforced forming an inseparable character of individual?