Nov 2, 2023

From the traditional art of city-making to the science of future-ready cities.

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The cycle of the “city in making” through centuries somewhat seems to follow this evolutionary pattern.


a.      Greenfield cities

[Utopian vision > identified potential > anchor economic activity as a growth magnet (or) infrastructure and real estate stock as a pull factor > achieving saturation and autonomous target functionality sooner or later > gets into brownfield city cycle]

b.      Brownfield Cities

[Organic growth > agglomeration as a centre of the economy > critical mass > the influx of population > additive infrastructure and real estate stock as coping mechanism > deterioration of the environment and degradation of the quality of life > urban overhaul as remedial measures > agglomeration continues to grow and get caught in a remedial cycle > confrontation with new age climate emergency > sense-making and search for coping mechanism continues]

What is noteworthy here in terms of the evolution of the traditional art of city-making, is that despite the wealth of learning, the city-making process still seems to be caught at the remedial stage.


Two preconditions of a future-ready city seem to be on the horizon.

A.     Finding new meanings and ways to make use of technology that is at doorsteps.

It appears that the summation of the plethora of technological aid that we have access to, for city-making until now, still only primarily served the purpose of sense-making and has only been used as a coping mechanism.

On the other side, the technology that is maturing and emerging right now, be it machine vision, automation, parametric, sensor fusion, LLM, advanced robotics, 5G/6G, quantum computing, or carbon capture etc., with AI as a binding factor, holds potential unlike anything witnessed before and offers an opportunity for potential application in the city-making unlike before and thus holds the key to achieve future-ready cities. The unprecedented pace of technological evolution that we witness today and onwards, seem to indicate that this is the ripe time to move away from the vicious cycle of remedial measure and coping mechanism associated with traditional city-making and city-retrofitting and leverage this opportunity to reflect and build something new, i.e., the future-ready city, be it greenfield or brownfield or a new type.

B.     The governance must outpace technological breakthroughs.

While a comprehensive policy and robust governance framework are essential for managing the dynamic entity called “city”, it is essential that governance in any part of the world, itself has to be future-ready by thinking deep into the future, generating future-ready policies based on simulations, and hence must outpace the technological breakthrough.

Author: Anoop Jha


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