Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at
A composite matrix of another kind.
Over time we have developed scores of indices and KPIs to
measure the livability of cities. Somthing which has become a tool, a
phenomenon, a race to climb the ladder of best city ranking. Why this race?
because of the prestige, attractiveness to investments, economic growth, and in
essence tagged as quality of life. Caution though, economic growth may not
always correspond to better quality of life, as growth comes at a cost and with
You also only measure what you can, hence the indices tend
to focus of measurable, tangible and palpable, also only something that
correlate to other cities, as its a matter of who is doing better and who is
the best.
There are possible indices which we tend to miss out,
sometimes intangible, somtimes not considered worthy, sometimes tagged too
vague, still signs of a healthy city. But most of the time we leave some
purposefully, as corresponding data for same may not be available for other
cities being compared.
What if we just measure health of a city, for its own sake,
not for comparison, not for race to the best. Not under binding imperical
rigidity, not though lenses of what should be, and not under fear for being
judged. This freedom from external and established reference points may allow
to look at city objectively, without prejudice and with a fresh perspective. In
a sense where cities try to understand its own construct, and each city may
assess its health based on unique indices, as unique any city is.
For instance, density, diversity and richness of flora and
fauna in each micro neighbourhood, proximity and ease of access to natural and
manmade water bodies and water features for its inhabitants, diversity of
language in sample population in high footfall areas, share of elderly in
outdoor spaces and outdoor activities, intensity of health and recreational
outdoor activities on workdays indicating work life balance, share of workforce
engaged in part time vocation and rotational shifts with freedom of livelihood
choices, survey and analysis of unreported friction incidents in community and
in public spaces as a barometer of civic obedience and community harmony, and
footage analysis of near-miss outdoor hazardous incidents, to name some.
Author: Anoop Jha
Image: Author
[Recent update
Starting 2024, launching urban management, interior design, home decor and commissioned artwork services in the Netherlands, serving local as well as international remote clients.
Please Note, that I am also conducting a FREE 45-minute online individual consultation on your interior design and home decor needs and aspirations if you are in the Netherlands or even internationally. Drop me an email at
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at
Instagram interior design page @urbantenets
Instagram fine art and illustration page @urbanoregional
#healthycity #cityranking #cityindex #citymatrix
#urbanplanning #urbandesign #transportplanning #society #Rotterdam #Amsterdam
#Utrecht #Hague #DenHaag #Netherlands #EU #Europe
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