While you are thinking of purchasing an advanced EV that goes 396 miles per charge, another startup (Michigan) promises to launch an EV battery With a range of 750miles.
The moment you install a city wide Fast charging infrastructure that charges EV
in 30 minutes, the new ultra-fast charging technology or startup (Israel)
surfaces that promises to full charge EV in just 5 minutes.
The moment city municipality in one corner of world purchases a fleet of 200
modern buses an autonomous Driving Bus Line Officially Commences Operations in
another part of world (Guangzhou).
By the time you sanction a mega hydrogen generation plant that uses fossil fuel
based electricity, a new technology or company (California) emerges that uses
sunlight to generate green hydrogen using "Sunlight Refinery" that
stores solar heat to be used even in night making technology commercially
As soon you clad building glass facade with very distinct conventional
checkered blue Building Integrated PV glass, a new higher efficiency
transparent PV Glass (California) makes way to renewable market.
By the time you inaugurate new building facility equipped with state of art
fixed fire sprinkler system at the same time an auto-targeting fire sprinkler
system emerges and provides a better alternative.
Unfortunately you can't change expensive city infrastructure at the pace and
frequency that you change mobile devices!
Author: Anoop Jha
Please visit my web page "Urban Tenets" at https://urbantenets.nl/
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